About spending some of your corn now...
The only two things I've bought with my corn are my Trezor (soon to become the most expensive h/w wallet in the world -- excluding the coins in it), and a site subscription (fortunately only paid once).
Whenever I think of spending some of my corn, I think of Laszlo's pizza story...at which point I log out of my wallets and order two double pepperonis using fiat. Somehow the pizzas taste better that way...
But does your spending really count, AlcoHoDL?
I bet that you really spent and replaced... those lilly corns, AmiNOTkoreck?
I am thinking further.. not specifically about you, AlcoHoDL, but maybe none of us really ever arrives at any kind of perfect "fuck you" status?
We are all just fuck you status wannabes?
I might be exaggerating a bit because even if none of us would reach a kind of dictator of an island status, but there are graduation of options within fuck you status, too.
Remember mindrust said something like, "who needs to be rich anyhow, these days?" The world is fucked with a virus and multiple travel and consumption restrictions, so where you going to spend all of that "on paper" wealth? In other words, to some extent mindrust was proclaiming that there might not be any value in being wealthy.
Ok.. we do not need to go that far (such as mindrust) in our thinking to realize that wealth is still going to give more options than if NOT having wealth, right?
Don't get me wrong, because I am also NOT suggesting that guys have to reach some extremely exorbitant level of wealth before they can either pull a kind of fuck you lever or to proclaim that they are in a kind of fuck you status, even if they choose to continue to work (hopefully as something that they really want to do rather than have to do).
Let's say that a guy is not really going to feel comfortable with achieving fuck you status until the value of all of his potentially income producing assets (or quasi-liquid) assets are securely in thee $2million of total value region (for a presumably $6,667 per month passive income). Of course, he could diversify out of corn.. or he can keep a decent chunk in corn, but try to consider what the BTC bottom might be?
Recently, haven't we had been using the 200 week moving average as a kind of bottom for the BTC price, which would be around $6,500, currently.
So, yeah if $2million is your fuck you status level, you better have 307.7 BTC or the equivalent of that in BTC and other assets (considering what the bottoms of those other assets might be, too). A question might be whether $2million is really the necessary minimum or would such fuck you status wannabe peep be able to be o.k. with $1million.. which yeah, is half the quantity of expected passive income of $3,333 rather than $6,667 per month.
We should be capable of figuring out these kinds of things for our lil selfies, including having a financial/psychological cushion that is NOT too unreasonable that will still allow us to pull the "fuck you" lever at a time in our lives that we should be able to still enjoy it while trying to appreciate what real world factors we are dealing with, including known, unknowns and unknown unknowns.
Well, I didn't replace my spent BTC. Not specifically for those purchases. But I did purchase several coins since then, so, technically, I did replace them. But you know what I mean...
mindrust said a lot of things. It's easy to go all philosophical with comments like "who needs to be rich anyhow, these days?" So, I'm asking you, mindrust, why have you made those other investments? After all, "who needs to be rich anyhow, these days?" Fuck you!
I think mindrust has crossed the line of sanity and has entered the first stage of his transformation into a r0ach-like entity. I don't think there is much hope for him, other than BTC dropping below the price point he sold, so that he has a chance to rebuy, which he probably won't take due to ego taking over his mind. OTOH, if Bitcoin keeps rising and enters 6 digits (i.e., in a few years' time), many bears and weak hands, not only mindrust, will have to suffer a miserable existence, knowing that they were in the rocket and got off. Willingly. By choice. A once-in-a-lifetime chance wasted.
Fuck-you rich. Will we ever reach that status? Probably not. But possibly yes! Those coins we have may end up being valued at million dollars each. So, even double (dare I say, single) digits may take us to that state of being able to say a loud "FUCK YOU" to anyone we want, without worrying about consequences or caring about reactions. Kind of like "El Duderino" mode on steroids.
BTW, I really like it when I see those $3,333 and $6,667 numbers in your posts. Most people would just type $6,666, but you took care of that extra one dollar that would make the sum a nice, round $10k. I like that. Shows you pay attention to details. A rarity in this rotten day & age. Keep it up.