Broken assumptions:
Cryptocurrencies are secure as they are based on the "science of cryptography" - No, they are secured by PoW
There's no middleman - No, if you can't run your own node, there is a middleman
Transactions are permanent - No, unsecure chains get rewritten
Then they talk about the "problems" of anonymity and untraceability. Those are features, not bugs. If they're worried about "bad guys" making transactions, then they want a centrally controlled money.
They FUD about losing your money if you lose your "password" (I think they mean seed). However, that's a part of being self-sovereign. If someone can help you recover your money, it's not your money.
Samson Mow
They also complain about volatility - I guess they haven't looked at the stock market lately.
"BUT If we can counter the risks, then this new technology OR SOME VARIATION of it can completely change the way we sell, buy, invest etc."
No, some variation of it from you will be a centrally managed surveillance coin, and doesn't change anything for ordinary people.
"This could be the next step in the evolution of money."
No, #Bitcoin already took that next step. By not talking about Bitcoin and educating people, you're just keeping them bound to fiat in a new format.
Keep in mind that the IMF manages a "reserve asset" called a Special Drawing Right (SDR) which is a CLAIM on "freely usable currencies of IMF members." So it's an imaginary money based on printed money. A fiat based on fiat. Their motivation is to keep the fiat machine running.