start your engines guys - we will see the next big b00m in the next time
and i don't want to hear afterwards that i didn't warn you
Funny thing (to build upon and amplify the points of the above cited article) is that quite likely that we have largely been in a bull market that has been confirmed since about May 2019. Sure we have had some setbacks along the way, large corrections, long lasting corrections, but in essence there has not really been any market behavior (such as BTC prices going too low or staying there too long) that really has taken us out of such bull market that we have likely been confirmed to have been in since May 2019.
Sure, people can say that I am just making shit up, and I am not properly following technical definitions of what is a bear market or what is a bull market, and I don't give no shits, because the fact of the matter is that the vast majority of folks attempting to become BTC HODLers through the process of accumulation whether that is by DCAing, buying on dips or some combination of those practices would have been much better off, especially since about May 2019 to just be focusing their lil selfies on those kinds of straight forward and simple BTC accumulation strategies rather than trying to figure out whether it would be good or not to wait for lower BTC prices or maybe there might be a dip or blah blah blah... maybe short.. or whatever, get reckt gambling rather than being prudent and conservative and focus on preserving and building principle.
So, sucks to be you if you have not realized from the actual information out there which are not really so much short term technicals but instead various currently valid BTC price prediction models that are out there that tell stories about the fundamentals and the bigger waves (which largely are contained within the: a) stock to flow model, b) 4 year fractal and c) the s-curve exponential adoption based on networking effects and metcalfe) that it is quite likely that we have largely been in a bull market since May 2019 and this whole period of time should have given a decently long time (look that we have had over a year now since that sign should have smacked the bears in the face) to be stacking as many sats as you can, even if sometimes you were not sure if the BTC price might go up, down or sideways in the short-term, the currently valid long term BTC price prediction models should have been given better zoomed out information to motivate and incentivize largely straight forward and simple BTC accumulation strategies.