That report is probably ordered and paid for by some gun hating left wing group who would clutch at any straw to make gun ownership look bad.
I don't have the time to dig for the reports I'm referring to, but you all know that they are out there.
And what's "A major global report" anyway, how does it differ from "a minor local report".
The paper appears to have been published in JAMA, Journal of the American Medical Association. currently has an Impact Factor of 51.3 (whoah!). For comparison, Science is 40, and Nature is 43. In order to maintain that kind of factor they have to publish pretty well peer-reviewed stuff.
So please stop it with the "you all know that they are out there" and either post peer reviewed facts or concede. Reality exists man, I really recommend living by it even when it is at odds with your person opinions/beliefs (as I did with the whole 140mph being safe thing).
(Note: A totally fair argument would be "I don't give a fuck if people die, I want my guns!". Use that instead if that's what you really mean)
A major global report confirms gun-related homicides, suicides and accidents are falling in Australia after the introduction of anti-gun laws, and that the effect of such tough laws is similar elsewhere.
No I will not read and respond to the report, it takes to long and isn't relevant to the Bolsonaro thing.
It's a trick old as the hills, you throw a report (that you usually haven't read yourself and) out there for your opponents to read hoping they will just throw in the towel.
And the fact that it is published in a reputable magazine, does not mean that it isn't biased.
I will respond to the headline though.
What are they saying with their report? basically, they are just stating the obvious, People without guns don't commit suicide with guns. Is that even in dispute? The real question is, does it matter? did suicides go down? or did people go on committing suicide with other means? I think you know the answer. People without guns don't have have accidents with guns, again quite a nobrainer, if you own something that you can have an accident with some people are going to have accidents, if that is a knife, car, gun, or anything else really doesn't matter. Accidents happen, what's their point?
And lastly, gun related homicides fell, again, yes so what? that's to be expected, but did homicides fall? or did people just switch weapons? I'm guessing the latter. They just don't like guns and are a using science paper to scare people by stating the obvious.
Now, on Bolsonaros relaxation of gun laws, his point is that if good citizens have the ability to shoot the bad guys, the bad guys will think twice before trying to rob someone, in the beginning that might very well lead to more gun deaths, as the bad guys are being culled, but that's not a bad thing, it's just according to plan.