Just popped in to tell you that I'm slowly getting my sense of smell back, never lost taste, but everything tasted bland and insipid.
Had a big mac today and it tasted good (don't worry, I used the drive through).
Did you get COVID-19?
Maybe you mentioned it, but I missed it, too busy with stuff IRL...
Yes I did, never got tested but I have all the symptoms.
No you didn't miss anything, I haven't said anything about it until now.
Fever, headache, loss of smell, tired as a bear in winter, and cough, witch I from now on will spell koff, bikårs aj kant be bodered to think in English spelling rajt nau.
Going back to bed, take care guys.
Edit: Got it from my brother and/or his wife, he's about five or six days ahead of me, and he said yesterday that he was feeling pretty good, but he's not in a risk group, so fingers crossed. His wife on the other hand, is in bed with a high fever.
Weren't you one of those Covid deniers?
Would be nice if you could get tested.
There still seems to be a lot of denial in a lot of places, including the fact that there is a lot of failure and refusal to conduct tests and seemingly even to obscure information regarding what is going on with this because there are a lot of desires for a lot of people to continue to work even if they are putting themselves at risk because the economy and the supply chains are continuing to take a beating...
Still seems to me that the whole situation would be better dealt with in terms of continued push for testing, even if testing is going to cost a lot in terms of getting the test together and also following the logic of quarantining the folks who end up turning up positive until the virus runs its course, hopefully avoiding hospitalization.. that would be great, but not always possible to avoid hospitalization, either because there is a decent amount of variance in regards to how individuals react differently.
Get some rest, and of course, this message is meant for the public, not just in response to you specifically, even though I understand that people might have some changes in their perspective if they actually go through Covid themselves and/or if they have people close to them who are going through covid, having permanent damage or even dying from it... no shortage in deaths, even though some people want to down play the death component, too... as if it were no BIG deal.. and of course, it might be no big deal until people around you start collapsing.
Wishing you all the best, and hope the virus clears away soon, if it hasn't already.
We cannot know if the virus has cleared away until tests are done and the death rate starts to drop.
As far as I can see the death rate seems to be going up (and even if the death rate is flat, it does not take very many cases, to cause multiplier effects that might not be felt until later down the road), so the information on deaths and who is infected and who is still contagious is not exactly clear, still, so still seems that we are in early days of still making many more cases of infection and deaths..and we don't even know if herd immunity is going to work once we might start reaching levels in which herd immunity might become quasi-feasible.
I doubt that any of this desire for information is fearmongering, but instead, trying to deal with reality rather than just framing the matter as everything is going to be fine... which could take a few years to work out.. and hopefully many of us will be able to live through it.. not sure about that yet, because still early days.
Of course, a lot of places are trying to open up, but how can anyone consider all of that playing out very well if tests are still not very widely available and there continues to be a lot of secretes about the information including governments that should have obligations to gather, compile and to make information available and NOT to be obscuring information or mischaracterizing what is actually going on.