Just popped in to tell you that I'm slowly getting my sense of smell back, never lost taste, but everything tasted bland and insipid.
Had a big mac today and it tasted good (don't worry, I used the drive through).
Did you get COVID-19?
Maybe you mentioned it, but I missed it, too busy with stuff IRL...
Yes I did, never got tested but I have all the symptoms.
No you didn't miss anything, I haven't said anything about it until now.
Fever, headache, loss of smell, tired as a bear in winter, and cough, witch I from now on will spell koff, bikårs aj kant be bodered to think in English spelling rajt nau.
Going back to bed, take care guys.
Edit: Got it from my brother and/or his wife, he's about five or six days ahead of me, and he said yesterday that he was feeling pretty good, but he's not in a risk group, so fingers crossed. His wife on the other hand, is in bed with a high fever.