... next we wait to see what happens now that bitcoin's monetary inflation rate is less than
gold ... and every other money on the planet.
I think we just reached parity levels with gold inflation. Next halving would be half of gold.
Gold is around 3.5k tons per year / 199k supply (197.5 end of year 2019) = 1.76%.
Btc is 328.5k per year / 18.37mn supply = 1.78%
Total above ground gold holdings is not a well-known figure. Some of the Central Bank gold is bogus paper backed by "Deep Storage Gold" receipts, which could be as tenuous as forward sales from miners of gold reserves still in the ground. Private gold stashes are routinely under-reported (or simple lies) to avoid taxes and other unwanted criminal attention. Huge stashes have been lost (and found), 'disappeared' and 'reappeared' in wars, pirate raids etc over the centuries. The agreed upon figure in economics, markets, monetary studies literature going back decades is
gold's inflation rate over long terms is very stable around 2.25-2.5%
There are currently about 18,375 million bitcoins in circulation. Think I read about four million bitcoins are considered lost, including the estimated one million bitcoins owned by Satoshi that never moved.
That means that there is a real stock of 14,375 million bitcoins. And with a block reward of now 6.25 bitcoins, there are 328,500 new bitcoins mined per year. This puts the inflation of Bitcoin for the next 365 days at around 2.28%.
It took gold thousands of years to get to its current inflation rate, it took Bitcoin only 11 years to match. That is just an incredible fact, and we all know with mathematical certainty what happens in the next four years / 210,000 blocks.