Surprised, anyone?
Yeah, I am.
I'm surprised Arrie can't face the
FACT that Floyd could not fucking
Good morning JJG.
Did you sleep well?
Sorry, how was your day?
Where on earth did I say he not couldn't breath.
The preliminary report suggests that his shortness of breath was caused by heart trouble, and, maybe, drugs. We will know more when the final report is in.
I'm not defending the cops inaction when he was clearly sick. I'm defending the cops actions before that, when they were simply trying to arrest a money forger.
I doubt that cops are being criticized for subduing a person who was resisting arrest, but surely they are being criticized for either the use of excessive force or the impression that they were using excessive force.
Sure, it is possible that in the end, the pressure of the knee on George Floyd's neck did not break anything (or restrict blood flow, or crush the breathing tubes), but still there remains an impression of excessive force because that action seems to have not been necessary, based on other factors (such as other officers being there, Floyd was already handcuffed and other aspects showing that he was not likely a then threat)... so it seemed to have been both excessive, and also there is an impression that the cop(s) might have partially been motivated by treating people from different races disparately (black in this case). There have been seemingly similar incidents in relatively recent times in the past that did not seem to cause those police officers to improve their conduct (such as through having had received training) and their way of dealing with people that they are interrogating or arresting.
Of course, officers do have duties of care that go beyond merely NOT using excessive force, but even though they could be accused of not carrying out proper duties of care, too, officers frequently do seem to get away with NOT rendering medical care, CPR, or even more basic levels of care such as safeguarding persons in their custody when they have actually been trained in how to carry out those kinds of duties of care things, and in a time like this (with the virus and everything like that), I doubt that the officers would be held to those higher levels of duties of care, such as rendering CPR (or otherwise potentially exposing themselves to Floyd or any other person)... so a lot of the public outrage remains to be more about what they did (and the images and impressions of such actions) rather than what they failed to do.
Be clear Arrie..its a fact for you. Our subjective experiences of what we call reality induces biases that are sometimes hard to peer around. Work on it is my advice.
Leftie biases are wrong. That's why you are leftists.
If you are not a leftie at 20 you have no heart, if you are not a rightie at 30 you have no brain. This is not just a cute saying, it's literal truth. Lefties have, for whatever reason, stunted brain growth. You are simply not able to understand right wing thinking. You do not think as adults.
But I was a conservative already as a young boy, does that mean that my brain was big and well developed ahead of time?
No. You have shown yourself to be pretty retarded through a lot of your posts, so it would not be reasonable to attempt to portray yourself as having any kinds of superiorities.. .that would be very misleading....... There seems to be a kind of Dunning-Kruger effect going on in your particular situation.
Be clear Arrie..its a fact for you. Our subjective experiences of what we call reality induces biases that are sometimes hard to peer around. Work on it is my advice.
Leftie biases are wrong. That's why you are leftists.
If you are not a leftie at 20 you have no heart, if you are not a rightie at 30 you have no brain. This is not just a cute saying, it's literal truth. Lefties have, for whatever reason, stunted brain growth. You are simply not able to understand right wing thinking. You do not think as adults.
But I was a conservative already as a young boy, does that mean that my brain was big and well developed ahead of time?
No point getting into the technicals but, essentially yes. It's a specific part of the brain that matters here. There is variation in how developed it is even from birth, and it grows in response to certain environmental influences.
Oh gawd!!!!! two arm-chaired "intelligence assessment" experts feeding off of one another.