Do you even understand the purpose of escrow?
Yes Dabs, I understand the purpose of escrow, thank you.
I also understand that you keep the coins (acting as the escrow agent) until everything is resolved.
All for the scammers convenience - to make it happen. Or not, you might argue.
The problem is that there is
nothing to sell or buy. I thought it was pretty clear:
~ are trying to make the most of what is inevitably going to happen (BTC>moon), and we should pay them for that?
It does sound fair. But then only if others decide to contribute.
Ah? Nope.
Their intentions are irrelevant, as I don't think either party will agree anyway. ~
Thank gawd they are so greedy & dumb, but their intentions are far from irrelevant.
Dabs i completley understand Escrow, ~
Get fucking lost.
~ To everyone else, that's the whole point of escrow, to prevent scams and scammers from directly taking your coins and disappearing. All conditions must be met. Sorry if it looks like I'm feeding a troll, I like this one a little better than the others.
OK Dabs, that is
IF we trust you to act as an escrow, and we are convinced that you are not part of this in any other way.Sorry for thinking like this - I don't believe you are involved - but you are the only single member to "support" these losers - which is weird.
You have some decent points, Cryptotourist. I kind of agree with Dabs that there is some kind of objectivity in escrowing, so in that sense, Dabs's framing of the objectivity of whole matter can appear to be kind of obviously a fair thing to do; however, at some point the level of scam is so god damned obvious that attempting to objectify it or give it any kind of level of normalcy then rises to the level of enabling scammers to get their message out, and could end up hurting some people because there seems to be some ambiguity regarding is there a scam going on.
So, yeah, this is a obvious scam. Kriptonium, who is either the same diptwat that was here a few months ago or some new diptwat with a similar scam proposal, is obviously attempting to figure out how to get some bitcoins in his hands without providing any kind of service. Even the most sophisticated service could not provide what diptwat Kriptonium is proposing, and yeah, inevitably BTC's price is going to go up, and yeah, if some people pay diptwat Kriptonium then he and perhaps his royal we can assert that he and perhaps his royal we caused what they had not caused.
Therefore, your points are quite valid, Cryptotourist regarding the supplying of a platform for obvious scammers.
On the other hand, I do recall that sometimes there is some toying with the scammers, and frequently even the proposal to actually escrow will cause the scammer to NOT follow through, but in this case, I could see a scammer agree to escrow, and then still end up getting paid for doing nothing beyond just soliciting within the forum and getting people to pay into the escrow, then the bitcoin price does what it does (such as goes up), and then the scammer claims credit (and gets paid). A scenario like that would be real bullshit, and it should not be desired to be any part of promoting that kind of morally repulsive situation.
By the way (kind of an aside), the only redeeming aspect of scammers getting free coins is that frequently the dumbest (or the most desperate) of people get into that nonsense, and sooner or later they were quite likely to lose their coins. Scammers will just accelerate a very likely status of removing coins more quickly from weak hands, but sometimes even weak hands should be protected from this nonsense, because there are some less likely scenarios that such weak-handed dumbass/desperate peeps looking to be scammed might end up learning before they actually end up getting scammed or otherwise removed from their coins.