This guy is quite a poet. I don't think its just Google Translate, I think he actually writes like this on purpose:
Hind parts of mine are about to start twerking in an amusingly salacious way now that I heard the response posted above. That can not be true. A mere pretense to dissemble the untold part of the story. All has been going fine except big hurdles bbc.reporter was forced to go through as a corollary of his allegiance with scoundrel from theatrical community in the medina of the city, then new algo and bad mining returns, then smooth lost wind and cheated on btc.reporter with another man, then btc.reporter stopped reporting. Madness.
The way you estimate things is not exactly in line with how I prefer them to be seen with my eyes. You big wavering head has been static. Coin was energized by stirs from various angles whereby a new Era within the coin life was activated. It heralded bug haunting, thread bumping and news emergence. A coin FOMOED and swayed along upward trajectory entering the hubbub of another eventful era.
I sent him a couple merits as a means of recognition of his linguistic accomplishments. Here is another contender for shitpost poet of the year:
Shut up dogsboy, the wallet is out of service very much like everything else in this thread. The rock shaped head of those involved in thread bumping must be taken care of with or otherwise wedged in a microwave for quick stewing. I want to emphasize that however purile the attempt to revive the thread was it was done masterfully and worked.
Who is shaving you? Was your stubble shaved, or is that a photoshop effect applied to ur mugshot, boobalex? Pala, the consensus mechanism you flaunt, is a non-tested, never-seen, merely-adopted, ejected-by-ass thing u developed in your cousins garage when he, a cousin of yours, was caressing your thick cellulite thighs. Then u ditched him, and he zinged down the street, changed and cold from grudges he bore.
Pays to dig through the Altcoin ANNs sometimes.