There is no price, you are buying a % of a total number of coins. What shapetwist is refering to is actualy (Total Confirmed: 0.423 BTC / Initial Supply: 1,094,500 WARP) = roughly 39 Satoshis. Total Confirmed represents a marketcap. means
expected price of 3k Satoshis per coin would be reached if (Initial Supply: 1,094,500 WARP * 3k Satoshis) = 32.835 BTC are rised for the project.
For now, I am just watching this thread. Based on shapetwist past posts on that account it seems to me he is an average high-risk trader (gambler) more than anything else so I can't see much stuff coming from this project. What I can see though is that he participated in much more than 1 failed altcoin where so many promises were made but nothing realy delivered. And I see nothing delivered here so far except generic PoS wallet costing like 0.2 BTC to create, an image I can make in under 5 minutes which supposedly shows future version of wallet and a lot of promises. What my intuition, which saved me like hundred times here starting with MtGox debacle, is telling me is that shapetwist will use money for personal trading and deliver nothing but excuses and more excuses before he just dissapears. So I strongly suggest to investors to think triple before investing serious money into this project.
You have been warned.
Hey! I respect everyone's views and intuition. If you checked my post history you can see that I am also careful and skeptic when the things presented are batshit ridiculous and undoable. And for the record I haven't been involved directly developing any other altcoin, and most altcoins actually do fail. I've traded in the past, mostly the easy
buy-in early gems and sell at a quick flip. I don't see that as high-risk trading or gamble, it's very easy to see which coins are actually gonna make it if you use your common sense and intuition.
And then the
altcoins were dead, and I joined one of those silly groups of people that give their recommendations on what to buy. So yes, I acted against my usual instincts, and ended up with bags of useless coins. I started to get really sick with the amount of scams, the pump groups, the ICO manipulations, the shady exchanges. I could say names but I'm sure you know who the main ones are.
It strikes to me as a bit retarded to use the available technology for foul play. Most of the coins out there are made by kids, and since they have no vision on top of some coding skills, the project is invariably doomed. People like bob and other "whales" that keep continuously releasing shit after shit are the ones to stop. They are the ones with no vision, and can only make money by fooling people around with empty promises and malicious intent from the start.
I hoped with WARP to start an old style coin that is actually useful, and that doesn't need a ridiculous amount of money like ETH or IOTA or ARCH or VIA (which one is useful?) etc etc, to easily achieve its goals. I won't hold anything against people having suspicions. That is more than normal after every thing that has happened in the scene.
Thanks for the words and concern, but I'm not going to hide or disappear
* edit: And it would be much nicer if a lot of people joined in with small amounts, instead of big money coming in. Don't you agree?