Russian military/Rosneft is out of play as everyone knows about this infiltration attempt into the waves ecosystem to usurp 90% control through merger of waves and vostok into a native token in 2021.
VST will lose all its value because it is a fake censorship permitting system intended for control by Russian government.
I advise strongly that Russian army support the intelligence of Waves creator and buy 50% control of waves stock in open market, if they don't, then no one will use rubles in 5 years and there will be no funding to sustain a standing army in Russia anymore.
When This counterfeiting organisation begin buying all waves, price will go to $200 quickly.
Hello MarquiseMuseum! The frequency of reward payment depends on each specific node. I recommend you to use our forum ( to contact the node owner and to ask.
Sincerely, Waves Community Manager
As I understand, ticker removal will not happen for top tokens in December, can tickers remain on waves dex if the creator set ticker on tokenrating using waves keeper? Or will it still be ID only on waves dex.
If this is the case, then bettertokens must absolutely be dismissed because they are a centralized insitution operating out of the swiss alps.
It is better to let community vote for qualified projects on waves dex, not a centralized and corruptible team who no one knows about. It is too much power for them. Bad partnership.