i disagree. there are crazies in america, and they are often the ones who do the public shooting, but there's also a gun culture problem.. only in america do we have this many gun nuts and gun-related deaths. guns are rooted in american culture.
people from other westernized countries have lots of their own mentally unstable people, so why don't they have as many mass shootings?
I agree with the firs part of your statement. It is most often the mentally ill that carry out rampage shootings. The problem with the second part of the argument is... "who is a gun nut"? Someone who like guns and has guns as a hobby? Then I guess I am one.
Additionally, most shootings in the U.S. are shootings by known criminals and the victims are known criminals. This has always been the case. (excluding the civil war). If we actually enforced the gun laws we have now, and put people away for possessing illegal weapons much could be done to stop the majority of gun violence. But we don't. Often the gun part gets plea bargained away.
I also agree with this. Most of the mass murders/public shootings are carried out by people who have some kind of mental illness who should not be around guns. I am not exactly sure how to solve this issue without stepping on many citizens' rights.
It is interesting that the places in the US that have the highest rates of gun related crimes and violence are places that have strict gun laws. I would speculate that criminals commit these crimes knowing that there will not be a citizen around with a gun to stop his crime.
You know I sincerely do appreciate people from other parts of the world talking knowingly about how they don't need guns to feel safe and how they think somewhat condescendingly that they are better than Americans in this respect. Transplant some of these guys to south Texas, Arizona or Chicago let's see how rapidly their attitudes change.
There is no question for me that if a criminal or a nut job worried that some of the people in that restaurant, theater or whatever might be doing concealed carry, he would not do his evil deed. Not at that place and time. He is looking for an easy, safe for him hit.
Most police departments in the US support concealed carry, and are straightforward about it's benefits to the society at large.
If we have scientific or practical knowledge or guess work that the psychoactive drugs accelerate dangerous behavior including shootings, this needs to be seriously investigated. It cannot be allowed to be ignored because of lobby and vested interests of psychiatrists (pill pushers, basically) and the pharmaceutical industries. This is likely what we are beginning to face - serious money interests that would deflect issues with their products by agitating the anti-gun bandwagon.
That's pretty sorry, but that's the way it is.
On the other hand if as a society we accept that psychoactive drugs have great benefits for society and some 0.1 or 0.001% of users go wacko on them, so be it. But for reasons of discussion, let me note that these rather odd cases of psychotic and delusional behavior, mass murders, do not seem to occur with heroin, crack, speed, marihuana, hashish, or other drugs taken for reasons of addiction or pleasure and for which we imprison people.