How exactly do any UASF proposals break the immutability of Bitcoin? Serious question. Ledger will remain unchanged, Bitcoins will remain unchanged. What am I missing here?
(I am asking someone to tell me like I am 5 years old without posting a wall of text and non-referenced/tagged links. We can continue talking about this stuff in the echo chamber of bitcointalk but it'd be nice to have some digestible evidence for the community at large)
Immutability of the protocol of Bitcoin. If we can mutate the protocol, then Bitcoin is not a level playing field. It looses its value as a stable metric of value which beyond the influence of anybody.
The gaming of the mining will be met by other gaming the mining. That is just free market competition. The free market finds ways around patents.
But if we have King Blockstream acting as a government lord, then Bitcoin is as worthless as any other fiat.
@gmaxwell is protecting the "improvements" he wants to make to Bitcoin's protocol. He is saying he knows what is best and will modify that level playing field. He will not be allowed to do this. He has been banished to do his scaling work on Litecoin. None of you can change this outcome. Bitcoin will retain small blocks and so Litecoin will get much of the scaling. Hope Gregory takes it in stride and doesn't get too depressed.
Immutability of the protocol, is not on the table, it never was.
The whale with a million coins willing to dump on a chain that favors improvement over stagnation, is free to make shit tons of fiat while selling us massive hoards of cheap coins.
Bitcoin is beyond the influence of any one person, but not beyond the influence of a >51% group.
Bitcoin is not what it was in 2009 bitcoin will continue to improve for better or for worst.
just because you dislike the democratic aspect of bitcoin doesn't mean its invalid.
and just because bitcoin is governed by its user base in a sorta democratic way, doesn't make it comparable to fiat.
the FED is a private organization, bitcoin is whatever most poeple agree bitcoin is.
you can argue this cheapness bitcoin's fundamental value, all day long, that will not stop core from forking bitcoin, and the whale dumping million of coins will not necessarily make everyone dismiss this fork.
bitcoin as you see it may or may not survive this.
after reviewing the available info, i am on the fence... ASCIBoosting fucks with miner incentives and if the majority want to fork away this flaw they perceive, i might side with them, i am on the fence...