Now my point here is this, rich people who have bad vices or addictions,
Would obviously find it hard to stop what they have been used to be doing
or in some cases, impossible. And let's face it, lots of people are pedophiles,
Necrophiliac, etc. some even love watching live tortures with them giving
the commands on how to do it. And I'd be damned if rich people(specially the
famous ones) that are part of all the people that I have mentioned wouldn't do
everything in their powersto hide their true selves from their family and friends
or other people.
So i think its just fair to not rule out that lots of rich people will be into bitcoins
in the future(for all i know maybe lots of influential people have already been using
bitcoins). But not for the purpose of profit though, but instead, for
the sake of fulfilling their wants and desires anonymously.
Bitcoin is a techy stuff. The dudes who are philic about it are called geeks, but they are not very rich overall. The ones which are rich (like Bill Gates) don't seem to be particularly interested in Bitcoin anyway. I don't know about you, but personally I don't find anything sexual about Bitcoin, though earning profits is surely fun and enticing on its own. But this is not what these dudes are looking for as you seem to imply yourself
In any case, I wouldn't harbor a lot of hope for that
Dude, you're missing my point here, as what i have said, people are mixtures of good and bad.
Now, out of all the rich people out there and their children, it would be impossible that none of them have bad habbits or what sort of evil things they do. And with that being said, its nearly impossible that they do not pay so much for some things that other people may see as a bad or evil thing. So my point is, if I was rich or famous or if my brother or parents are, i would probably find all the ways possible to hide my bad habbits, and if i need some stuff for the secret thing i do, or need to buy a video of an illegal thing i would love to watch, or find a hitman to kill someone i hate, i would do everything necessary to hide my identity, and thinking that i am rich and capable, i would pay no matter how much just to keep my secrets as secrets till the day i die. So, needing secrecy and having lots of money to spend, id pay countless money to transact with others anonymously. Now if bitcoins would make it easier, then why not use it as a tool that can benefit me and my desires??
I dont know how further i need or can explain this but i think you've gotten the idea already about what my point really was. So yeah, that is why i think its not impossible for rich people to dive in to bitcoin. Again, not for profit but for anonymity.