
Topic: What do you think about 9/11 mystery? - page 27. (Read 54921 times)

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Let's say hypothetically that there was a controlled demolition of the twin towers, plus building 7. In that case, then why the hell did planes crash into the towers in the first place, and why did they blow up building 7 too?

It makes absolutely no logical sense to me, why spend more resources on having planes fly into them? And why blow up a third tower when the huge twin towers were already going to fall, no added shock value was added by having building 7 fall too, it seems needless. Think I asked this question earlier in this thread but no-one had a good answer.

As far as I'm concerned, even without delving into the mechanics on whether this could or couldn't have occured, the logic of the controlled demoliton theory is massively flawed.


I've tried and failed to get this very basic subject discussed.  It'd be nice to see internal consistency among the conspiracy theories, but there isn't any.

That's an indication it's more active dis information by groups who are adversaries to the US on the world stage, of course.  They don't need quality theories, just crap repeated over and over to ignorant populations, such as in Jordon, Pakistan and Egypt.

By contrast the JFK killing is a very clean, simple conspiracy theory.  There was one bullet or several; there were several assassins or only one. 

Silverstein and others wanted to take the Towers down. Why? Because the city was condemning them for the asbestos problem. The cost would have been enormous to take them apart the same way that they went up - piece by piece - especially when they would have to be taken down in a way that would protect everyone from the asbestos. The Towers were a problem that nobody could figure a simple way around. The 9/11 deception was the cheapest way.

The planes were necessary to make it look like a terrorist attack. This way they could take the Towers down without all the care and expense, using demolition. In addition, there would be all kinds of other money deals where Silverstein and others could make money if it were a terrorist attack... like insurance deals.

Of course everybody doing the deal, including Silverstein, knew that planes couldn't take the Towers down. But many people would buy into the terrorist attack idea ( some in this forum). So, save money by using demolition and terrorism deception, and getting the job done inexpensively.

Bldg. 7 was supposedly hit by pieces of the Towers, and this is what brought it down. Many people still think this way, even though it has been shown that 7 was barely hit, and that it was emptied before being collapsed by demolition.

Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386 haven't even attempted to refute:

1.  The planes could not impart sufficient kinetic energy to collapse the structures.

2.  Fire fueled by the fuel in the planes and other material in the towers could not have softened the steel structures enough to cause complete structural failure. 
No, because we were discussing #3 and #4.  As of now I don't see that we have reached an agreement or a disagreement on #3 and #4.  I await your reply to my post as of this morning.
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
Of course debris would fall and spread out a little bit, but not eject laterally 600 feet. With every foot you extend the lateral movement, you are requiring MORE FORCE to eject it. You are acting like the difference between moving a 4 ton section of steel 5 feet and moving it 600 feet is a moot point. It is not, every foot that 4-ton object goes requires exponential amounts more of energy to move it. You are just rephrasing the same explanations that I have disproved using the laws of physics, over and over again. You still are offering no explanation for the lateral ejection force or action sufficient enough to eject 4-ton sections of steel 600 feet laterally (other than what you have already said several times now). .....

See bolded above.  You are wrong.  For a given speed, the movement sideways is a simple function of time.  We agreed on 21 meters per second as a velocity.  That speed imparted to your 4 ton section of steel will move it the 600 feet in 10 seconds.  (sure this is ignoring atmospheric friction but that will have no effect on a massive piece of steel)

All I did was show that that energy was 0.2% of the potential energy of the beam, and ask why such a small percentage could not reasonable be thought to be translated into sideways movement.  You accept that there were debris fields extending out 600 feet.  Why is the problem any different for small pieces of rubble as opposed to a 4 ton girder?
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
.....neither he nor anyone else can explain why the resistance of the structure did not interfere with the free-fall accelerations observed.  That's about as basic as basic physics gets.  

I thought we had agreed on four arguments to be debated.  #4 was the issue of "free fall."  Quoting from #368,

I assume, but am not certain that this is a response to my comment on #4 and not a response to #3?  Because NO, I had not started arguing the issue of #4.  I was only expressing that I am puzzled at looking at the claims relating to it.

I'm not seeing support for #4 either in the video of the towers collapse, the seismic records, or in the math and structural stuff.....

So do you want to talk about #4?  Are you satisfied with my view on #3 or not?

#4 is an assertion, and why I am puzzled is that the facts don't even seem to support it.  Please explain why the seismic record supports #4?  I can't see it.  Given the huge amounts of dust obscuring the visuals, I assume the seismic record presents an integration of the fall dynamics.  Further if you can use English words to say this "why the resistance of the structure did not interfere with the free-fall accelerations observed," then please use English words or formulas to describe the basis of this assertion #4 instead of a dozen Youtube links which would take six hours to plough through, lol...

Include margin of errors if possible.

Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever

I used the term "standard iron oxide thermite" for a reason. I never said it HAD to be nanothermite, only that there was evidence for it. Additional, there is plenty of reason to assume thermite and nanothermite have the same properties, as they are almost chemically identical. The main difference is particle size and burn rate. The igniton temperature is roughly identical. Additional compounds can be added to have other effects if desired. It is not magic or alchemy, it is chemistry, and if you know how chemistry works you can change its properties considerably, so it is not some unimaginable feat that the properties could vary. Again you seem to want to pretend nanothermite is some fantastical nonexistant substance. Its existence and its properties are well documented.

Umm....NO.  Particle sizes and burn rates are huge differences.  Look at my note about nano particle aluminum being the fuel for torpedoes.  Change the particle size, that does not work.  What I am saying is that one must get very specific on "nano-thermite" or otherwise it is a nebulous term that can have any characteristics you want.  

Regardless, we can agree to use "standard iron oxide thermite."  

Less than one part in 500 translated into sideways movement.

You still want to argue that this cannot occur without explosives?  I have not so far defined the METHOD of translation into sideways motion, just sought to illustrate that the energy was there in sufficient quantities to allow it.  I do have an idea on the answer, am trying to think of ways to explain it well.

Oh no? You seemed to think it was a viable explanation until I presented this information. Funny how it suddenly is not your argument any more after confronted with the evidence. Again you are ignoring that fact that this effect happened over and over again with multiple sections, in all directions. When this energy is transferred multiple hundreds or thousands of times over the entire structure, it becomes a much greater proportion of the total percentage of kinetic energy some how magically redirected laterally against the forces of gravity. Again, this is all in a situation where there is no perfect transaction of energy, meaning that there also had to be a lot of energy wasted in this translation of kinetic energy laterally. Not being able to define the method of lateral translation of energy is pretty much the entire point of presenting this evidence, so the fact that you can't explain it is a pretty fucking big hole in your logic.
Come on, that's not fair.  I only said I was trying to think of a simple way to explain it.  Here goes.

The WTC towers were by volume, about 10% steel, concrete, etc - building structure, and 90% air - working spaces.  Then one falls.  All material goes downward.  Material fragments in the process.  By the time 10 stories have pancaked, there is in that area pretty much a solid mass of building material.  It is no longer 90% air.  Once the density of material reaches a certain number - you pick it, 30%, 50%, 70%, then that area or section is effectively presents a solid mass to materials coming down from above.  Then they move sideways because that's all they can do.

Now do you seriously want to argue that 0.2% of the PE of a beam cannot translate into sideways movement?  Really?

We could agree that the debris pile from a 200 foot x 200 feet building extended 5 feet further out than the original perimeter.  That's sideways motion.  It extended 200 feet.  Again, that's sideways motion.  It extended 500 feet.  That's sideways motion.

Yeah, you're right that is not fair. You are only ignoring the laws of physics and just restating the same theory over and over again in different ways pretending it is a new explanation. We already discussed Newton's 3rd Law, which states any action must have an equal and opposite reaction. IE as the "pile driver" of the floor is falling it also is destroying itself, meaning since the "collapse" was initiated 12 floors down from the top, it could only have operated with this effect for a maximum of 12 floors below it because it would be turned to loose rubble by this point. Hence your whole excuse about the rubble getting more dense is just nonsense.

Of course debris would fall and spread out a little bit, but not eject laterally 600 feet. With every foot you extend the lateral movement, you are requiring MORE FORCE to eject it. You are acting like the difference between moving a 4 ton section of steel 5 feet and moving it 600 feet is a moot point. It is not, every foot that 4-ton object goes requires exponential amounts more of energy to move it. You are just rephrasing the same explanations that I have disproved using the laws of physics, over and over again. You still are offering no explanation for the lateral ejection force or action sufficient enough to eject 4-ton sections of steel 600 feet laterally (other than what you have already said several times now).

Let's say hypothetically that there was a controlled demolition of the twin towers, plus building 7. In that case, then why the hell did planes crash into the towers in the first place, and why did they blow up building 7 too?

It makes absolutely no logical sense to me, why spend more resources on having planes fly into them? And why blow up a third tower when the huge twin towers were already going to fall, no added shock value was added by having building 7 fall too, it seems needless. Think I asked this question earlier in this thread but no-one had a good answer.

As far as I'm concerned, even without delving into the mechanics on whether this could or couldn't have occured, the logic of the controlled demoliton theory is massively flawed.

I think you have a bit of cognitive dissonance going on there buddy. There is a HUGE list of reasons why these buildings were chosen, and why it was immediately cast as a terrorist attack. I am actually glad you made this comment, because it gives me an opportunity to give evidence for the potential motives for this attack, which are at the core of any criminal investigation and have gone largely ignored in this case. Means, motive, and opportunity.

Here is a list of potential motives for multiple parties:

1. As Vokain explained the key to any false flag attack is misdirection. This was already a very large and complicated attack no matter how you think it actually went down. They are already blowing up two massive skyscrapers, the rest of the WTC complex, hitting the pentagon, and were probably going for an additional target with the plane that went down in Pennsylvania. Crashing a few planes is relatively easy in comparison to all of the rest of the prep work to pull this all off successfully.

2. Gaining increased funding for the military industrial complex. After the end of the cold war and the unpopularity of getting involved militarily in the Middle East, the military industrial complex needed justification for expanding into a new war. War is extremely profitable for a plethora of industries like banking, weapon systems manufacturing, private military forces, as well as the government run military as well. This one was outlined very clearly in a document released by The Project For A New American Century, a group very closely tied with the Bush administration. The document they released called "Rebuilding America's Defenses" stated among other things:

Let's say hypothetically that there was a controlled demolition of the twin towers, plus building 7. In that case, then why the hell did planes crash into the towers in the first place, and why did they blow up building 7 too?

It makes absolutely no logical sense to me, why spend more resources on having planes fly into them? And why blow up a third tower when the huge twin towers were already going to fall, no added shock value was added by having building 7 fall too, it seems needless. Think I asked this question earlier in this thread but no-one had a good answer.

As far as I'm concerned, even without delving into the mechanics on whether this could or couldn't have occured, the logic of the controlled demoliton theory is massively flawed.


I've tried and failed to get this very basic subject discussed.  It'd be nice to see internal consistency among the conspiracy theories, but there isn't any.

That's an indication it's more active dis information by groups who are adversaries to the US on the world stage, of course.  They don't need quality theories, just crap repeated over and over to ignorant populations, such as in Jordon, Pakistan and Egypt.

By contrast the JFK killing is a very clean, simple conspiracy theory.  There was one bullet or several; there were several assassins or only one.  

Now you got your wish. I haven't brought it up yet because I was too busy watching you flail trying to argue against rock solid evidence based on the laws of physics. Now that I have demonstrated you have no explanation for this I can present more tertiary evidence that would otherwise just serve as a distraction from the facts of the physics of the matter you have failed to explain using the official story.

Actually the entire issue is dead as a doornail except for (1) Muslim apologists and protectors of the faith who want to use Takiyya, cast the US in a bad light regardless of how much lying they do (2) repeaters of the propaganda of (1)

Actually, no. You still haven't offered any reasonable explanation of how 4-ton girders flew laterally 600 feet or how the towers fell at free fall speeds. It is much simpler to just declare the debate over so you do not have to address these gaping flaws in your argument. Additionally you haven't even attempted to refute:

1.  The planes could not impart sufficient kinetic energy to collapse the structures.

2.  Fire fueled by the fuel in the planes and other material in the towers could not have softened the steel structures enough to cause complete structural failure.  

There may be a few people like that.  But the problem with your conceptualization is that if you put such a person in front of Conspiracy Theorist A, he asserts that no planes hit the towers.  Then you put him in front of CT-B, and B says the planes hit the towers but there was ALSO explosives, yada yada yada.  And put him in front of CT-C, and C says that the planes hit the towers but they were all driven by Evil Jews.  On and on and on.

You see, multiple lines of suspicion do not converge on an alternative explanation.  Plus many of them break down on examination using 8th grade physics and chemistry.

However it does form an interesting version of the logical error of an "Irrefutable hypothesis."  

Sort of like...

"Believe anything OTHER THAN the official story, and that's okay.  Even if what you believe is easily refutable using chemistry and physics.  Believe it anyway, because the official story must be refuted."

Multiple people have more than one opinion of what actually happened, therefore none of them are correct. Nice logic. Again this is another convenient way to avoid having to actually defend your own argument with facts.
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276

Ludicrous.  You are sounding desperate and scared my friend.

The thing which characterizes '9/11 believers' is that any possible explanation favoring the government line, no matter how far-fetched and absurd, will be clung to....

There may be a few people like that.  But the problem with your conceptualization is that if you put such a person in front of Conspiracy Theorist A, he asserts that no planes hit the towers.  Then you put him in front of CT-B, and B says the planes hit the towers but there was ALSO explosives, yada yada yada.  And put him in front of CT-C, and C says that the planes hit the towers but they were all driven by Evil Jews.  On and on and on.

You see, multiple lines of suspicion do not converge on an alternative explanation.  Plus many of them break down on examination using 8th grade physics and chemistry.

However it does form an interesting version of the logical error of an "Irrefutable hypothesis." 

Sort of like...

"Believe anything OTHER THAN the official story, and that's okay.  Even if what you believe is easily refutable using chemistry and physics.  Believe it anyway, because the official story must be refuted."

An 'irrefutable hypothesis' is an oxymoron.  The word you want in place is 'fact.'

We casual observers are in an information vacuum.  There is no way to 'know' almost anything about the events.  The logical method is to consider a lot of hypothesis and favor the ones which are most coherent and best match the observations but be flexible enough to switch favor when new evidence or theses come along.  Same with any branch of science.  Standard fair.

Here's an illustration:  There is this guy 'spendulus' on a forum.  On the subject of 9/11, he doggedly repeats points in favor of the 'official conspiracy theory' which sound a lot like they came out play-book.  Although he tries to pass himself off as someone with some skills in physics and etc, when pressed it slips that he doesn't even have a basic grasp of the structural theory of the towers.  He'll say 'elementary physics', but neither he nor anyone else can explain why the resistance of the structure did not interfere with the free-fall accelerations observed.  That's about as basic as basic physics gets.  Is Spendulus a shill?  He came to the forum at a point when it would have been clear that having a footprint in bitcoinland would be worthwhile (as did various other suspects) and is quite dedicated.

To be perfectly honest, most of what you have said on this thread really does sound like the sort of playbook described by this guy.  I personally believe that the story is probably legit.  I know from personal experience that entities with a very large footprint considered at one time 'social media' to be of extreme strategic interest.  The guy's story corroborates other things I've run across, and it is about how I would do things if I were operating a shill nest.  This particular nest had an interest and/or contracts with those interested in protecting Zionism, and that is another element which you don't seem to be able to stay away from.  If you are a shill in a formal sense, I would guess that you are fairly high up and don't receive the oversight that you probably need.  Here in Bitcointalk the participants are relatively independent and relatively technical and you are probably doing more harm than good.

Zionist shills really set back and fucked up Wikipedia.  They just happened to be the first place I heard of the problems.  Later I discovered it in other areas as well (global warming, vaccines, naked short selling, etc.)  The long and the short of it is that I used Wikipedia much less due to it's reliability problems and have never supported them financially.

A totally different hypothesis is as I mentioned the other day:  Spendulus is a troll who realizes that he is having a very positive effect at getting people to work on and think about the 9/11 false-flag event.

At this point I'm not really partial to either hypothesis, and there are certainly others as well that are tenable.  I don't 'know' anything one way or the other, and in this case I don't even really care that much.  I'm quite comfortable being in this state, and am in this state to some degree about almost everything in this world.

sr. member
Activity: 451
Merit: 250
Actually what, happened there?

It is impossible to know what happened.  Everyone involved is dead.  People who say they know what happened are old with unreliable memories.  They all have different contradictory stories.
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
I think it happened, it is not to be forgotten but the story is done.. period.
Not as long as Islamic disinformation campaigns continue to vomit propaganda such as the USA and or Israel were the real culprits behind 911 because, you know, "Islam is a religion of peace."

The nature of propaganda is that it is propagated by naive gullible people, who likely are not related to the source of the propaganda.

Propaganda --> propagated

Now you are talking about anyone who believes the official 9/11 fiction.    Cool

Actually the entire issue is dead as a doornail except for (1) Muslim apologists and protectors of the faith who want to use Takiyya, cast the US in a bad light regardless of how much lying they do (2) repeaters of the propaganda of (1)

Ludicrous.  You are sounding desperate and scared my friend.

The thing which characterizes '9/11 believers' is that any possible explanation favoring the government line, no matter how far-fetched and absurd, will be clung to....

There may be a few people like that.  But the problem with your conceptualization is that if you put such a person in front of Conspiracy Theorist A, he asserts that no planes hit the towers.  Then you put him in front of CT-B, and B says the planes hit the towers but there was ALSO explosives, yada yada yada.  And put him in front of CT-C, and C says that the planes hit the towers but they were all driven by Evil Jews.  On and on and on.

You see, multiple lines of suspicion do not converge on an alternative explanation.  Plus many of them break down on examination using 8th grade physics and chemistry.

However it does form an interesting version of the logical error of an "Irrefutable hypothesis." 

Sort of like...

"Believe anything OTHER THAN the official story, and that's okay.  Even if what you believe is easily refutable using chemistry and physics.  Believe it anyway, because the official story must be refuted."

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
I think it happened, it is not to be forgotten but the story is done.. period.
Not as long as Islamic disinformation campaigns continue to vomit propaganda such as the USA and or Israel were the real culprits behind 911 because, you know, "Islam is a religion of peace."

The nature of propaganda is that it is propagated by naive gullible people, who likely are not related to the source of the propaganda.

Propaganda --> propagated

Now you are talking about anyone who believes the official 9/11 fiction.    Cool

Actually the entire issue is dead as a doornail except for (1) Muslim apologists and protectors of the faith who want to use Takiyya, cast the US in a bad light regardless of how much lying they do (2) repeaters of the propaganda of (1)

If you are calling the 9/11 tragedy an issue, then it is not dead. When the people who are angry about the crooks in government start using the Karl Lentz common law method for getting answers and holding people accountable, there will be results.

Common law can be used to bring justice even after the perpetrators are dead, by descendants getting reimbursement out of descendants from the inheritance handed down by the perpetrators. It is English Common Law handed over to Americans to use when they realize that they can use it.

Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
I think it happened, it is not to be forgotten but the story is done.. period.
Not as long as Islamic disinformation campaigns continue to vomit propaganda such as the USA and or Israel were the real culprits behind 911 because, you know, "Islam is a religion of peace."

The nature of propaganda is that it is propagated by naive gullible people, who likely are not related to the source of the propaganda.

Propaganda --> propagated

Now you are talking about anyone who believes the official 9/11 fiction.    Cool

Actually the entire issue is dead as a doornail except for (1) Muslim apologists and protectors of the faith who want to use Takiyya, cast the US in a bad light regardless of how much lying they do (2) repeaters of the propaganda of (1)

Ludicrous.  You are sounding desperate and scared my friend.

The thing which characterizes '9/11 believers' is that any possible explanation favoring the government line, no matter how far-fetched and absurd, will be clung to and rejected only when the government changes their story (e.g., the 'pancake theory.')  There are just way to many of these stretches to be credible.  I suppose that in the mind of some it demonstrates some sort of primitive patriotism to swallow whatever the leadership tells one to and that is considered a good thing in some way.  Better than science.  In this way the 'believers' are no different from any other fundamentalist who believe fervently whatever 'science' comes from the IPCC, whatever edicts come from the pulpit, whatever fatwas come from the mullahs, etc.

Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
I think it happened, it is not to be forgotten but the story is done.. period.
Not as long as Islamic disinformation campaigns continue to vomit propaganda such as the USA and or Israel were the real culprits behind 911 because, you know, "Islam is a religion of peace."

The nature of propaganda is that it is propagated by naive gullible people, who likely are not related to the source of the propaganda.

Propaganda --> propagated

Now you are talking about anyone who believes the official 9/11 fiction.    Cool

Actually the entire issue is dead as a doornail except for (1) Muslim apologists and protectors of the faith who want to use Takiyya, cast the US in a bad light regardless of how much lying they do (2) repeaters of the propaganda of (1)
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
I think it happened, it is not to be forgotten but the story is done.. period.
Not as long as Islamic disinformation campaigns continue to vomit propaganda such as the USA and or Israel were the real culprits behind 911 because, you know, "Islam is a religion of peace."

The nature of propaganda is that it is propagated by naive gullible people, who likely are not related to the source of the propaganda.

Propaganda --> propagated

Now you are talking about anyone who believes the official 9/11 fiction.    Cool
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
.... a few people have answered the WTC7 problem with the generic "It was about the money/Enron case/insurance" blah blah blah, but I don't buy any of it. .....

All anyone needs to do to understand WTC7 collapse is look at the Wikipedia entry that describes the hollowed out interior and weakened structure of that building.

Curiously, although people seem willing to blame the US government for a massive conspiracy involving hundreds of ninjas planting explosives, nobody has mentioned as a possible cause simple engineering error and/or cost minimization.

If concrete structures collapse in Russia when there's an earthquake, people immediately ascribe cause to corruption producing lower grade concrete that specified.

IIRC the New Orleans levees failed due to lower grade materials being used than specified.... 
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
I think it happened, it is not to be forgotten but the story is done.. period.
Not as long as Islamic disinformation campaigns continue to vomit propaganda such as the USA and or Israel were the real culprits behind 911 because, you know, "Islam is a religion of peace."

The nature of propaganda is that it is propagated by naive gullible people, who likely are not related to the source of the propaganda.

Propaganda --> propagated
Activity: 7
Merit: 0
I think it happened, it is not to be forgotten but the story is done.. period.
Activity: 1188
Merit: 1016
Let's say hypothetically that there was a controlled demolition of the twin towers, plus building 7. In that case, then why the hell did planes crash into the towers in the first place, and why did they blow up building 7 too?

It makes absolutely no logical sense to me, why spend more resources on having planes fly into them? And why blow up a third tower when the huge twin towers were already going to fall, no added shock value was added by having building 7 fall too, it seems needless. Think I asked this question earlier in this thread but no-one had a good answer.

As far as I'm concerned, even without delving into the mechanics on whether this could or couldn't have occured, the logic of the controlled demoliton theory is massively flawed.


I've tried and failed to get this very basic subject discussed.  It'd be nice to see internal consistency among the conspiracy theories, but there isn't any.

That's an indication it's more active dis information by groups who are adversaries to the US on the world stage, of course.  They don't need quality theories, just crap repeated over and over to ignorant populations, such as in Jordon, Pakistan and Egypt.

By contrast the JFK killing is a very clean, simple conspiracy theory.  There was one bullet or several; there were several assassins or only one. 

Yeah, a few people have answered the WTC7 problem with the generic "It was about the money/Enron case/insurance" blah blah blah, but I don't buy any of it. It doesn't make sense, as far as I can see, a range of 0-1 people died in the collapse, depending on sources, and the tower fell hours after the others, after being on fire. Even if the building didn't fall, it probably would have been damaged beyond repair by the debris.

If it was blown up, then why didn't they fly a plane into it as well, following the pattern of the twin towers? Plus no-one has even attempted to tackle the problem of "why run the horse over, cut off its head, then shoot it?".

Agree with you about the JFK theory - it's a great example of a simple, easy to explain theory, which makes it plausible. Unlike the controlled demolition theory, which requires multiple layers of explanation, with increasingly poor logic.
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
Let's say hypothetically that there was a controlled demolition of the twin towers, plus building 7. In that case, then why the hell did planes crash into the towers in the first place, and why did they blow up building 7 too?

It makes absolutely no logical sense to me, why spend more resources on having planes fly into them? And why blow up a third tower when the huge twin towers were already going to fall, no added shock value was added by having building 7 fall too, it seems needless. Think I asked this question earlier in this thread but no-one had a good answer.

As far as I'm concerned, even without delving into the mechanics on whether this could or couldn't have occured, the logic of the controlled demoliton theory is massively flawed.

Consider a Machiavellian group with political power embroiled in a military-industrial complex, who needs a reason to go to war for the control of oil somewhere that is not a part of the Empire. Is it not plausible that such a group would figure some sort of means to an end to control such a resource that allows for more power?

Got to hand it to you.  That sure sounds like Al Queda and ISIS, doesn't it?

Sure. And why did we (the West) depose Iran's prime minister for the Shah?état

Some follow up googling reveals this collection of false flag ops:

Here's one of them...
Wait a minute.

Aren't you engaging in a big logical error?  You point to the USA as engaging or intending to engage in false flag operations.  How about being fair, and extending that to all nations?  That would be more fair and balanced.

Anyway, what's the point?  Noting some false flags historically or noting back room scenario planning is not establishing culpability of the USA for 911.  

How about looking at the actual list of terror plots by Islamic extremists and just dealing with it for what it is?  Over 28,000 such since 2001.  Last 30 days, attacks in 23 countries and 3500 dead or wounded.


Oh, one more thing.  You want to talk about "admitted false flag operations?"  Then how about talking about "Admitted Islamic Terror Operations?"  Which 911 is one of, isn't it?
Activity: 1834
Merit: 1019
Let's say hypothetically that there was a controlled demolition of the twin towers, plus building 7. In that case, then why the hell did planes crash into the towers in the first place, and why did they blow up building 7 too?

It makes absolutely no logical sense to me, why spend more resources on having planes fly into them? And why blow up a third tower when the huge twin towers were already going to fall, no added shock value was added by having building 7 fall too, it seems needless. Think I asked this question earlier in this thread but no-one had a good answer.

As far as I'm concerned, even without delving into the mechanics on whether this could or couldn't have occured, the logic of the controlled demoliton theory is massively flawed.

Consider a Machiavellian group with political power embroiled in a military-industrial complex, who needs a reason to go to war for the control of oil somewhere that is not a part of the Empire. Is it not plausible that such a group would figure some sort of means to an end to control such a resource that allows for more power?

Got to hand it to you.  That sure sounds like Al Queda and ISIS, doesn't it?

Sure. And why did we (the West) depose Iran's prime minister for the Shah?état

Some follow up googling reveals this collection of false flag ops:

Here's one of them...
As admitted by the U.S. government, recently declassified documents show that in 1962, the American Joint Chiefs of Staff signed off on a plan to blow up AMERICAN airplanes (using an elaborate plan involving the switching of airplanes), and also to commit terrorist acts on American soil, and then to blame it on the Cubans in order to justify an invasion of Cuba. See the following ABC news report; the official documents; and watch this interview with the former Washington Investigative Producer for ABC’s World News Tonight with Peter Jennings.

That sure sounds familiar, doesn't it? Citations in link above.
Activity: 1218
Merit: 1027
Let's say hypothetically that there was a controlled demolition of the twin towers, plus building 7. In that case, then why the hell did planes crash into the towers in the first place, and why did they blow up building 7 too?

It makes absolutely no logical sense to me, why spend more resources on having planes fly into them? And why blow up a third tower when the huge twin towers were already going to fall, no added shock value was added by having building 7 fall too, it seems needless. Think I asked this question earlier in this thread but no-one had a good answer.

As far as I'm concerned, even without delving into the mechanics on whether this could or couldn't have occured, the logic of the controlled demoliton theory is massively flawed.


I've tried and failed to get this very basic subject discussed.  It'd be nice to see internal consistency among the conspiracy theories, but there isn't any.

That's an indication it's more active dis information by groups who are adversaries to the US on the world stage, of course.  They don't need quality theories, just crap repeated over and over to ignorant populations, such as in Jordon, Pakistan and Egypt.

By contrast the JFK killing is a very clean, simple conspiracy theory.  There was one bullet or several; there were several assassins or only one.  
  THE DAY BEFORE 9/11  9/10/2001: Rumsfeld says $2.3 TRILLION Missing from Pentagon ...
Video for 2.3 trillion missing from pentagon 9/10/01▶ 3:10

building 7            Larry Silverstein Makes 7 Billion from WTC 9-11 insurance policy ...
Video for building 7 insurance policy▶ 9:12

Why do humans do anything in this day an age..

And from the big bosses son.. REST MY CASE..CASE CLOSED NEXT Grin
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
Millette's samples do not display the same behavior as Harrit's under exposure to MEK.  Millette used this as an excuse to NOT attempt to reproduce the findings that the reaction is violent and resulted in molten iron spheres under the argument that his results indicate no elemental aluminium an thus cannot be of the thermite family.  This indicates to me both that his results are invalid, and that he is a fraud.

Evidence abounds of a cover-up on many fronts.  To wit, one would expect to find a multitude of shills working in various fronts at the behest of the perpetrators.  Millette would appear to be an anticipated example of such.

I've not looked at Millette's paper yet since my workstation fails to verify the issue's certificate authority.  Perhaps later I'll try on a machine with a less secure operating system where I use more relaxed security protocols.

Here are some brief sections of Millette.

SEM-EDS phase mapping (using multivariate statistical analysis) of the red layer after exposure to MEK for 55 hours did not show evidence of individual aluminum particles

Based on the optical and electron microscopy data, the Fe/O particles are an iron oxide pigment consisting of crystalline grains in the 100-200 nm range and the Al/Si particles are kaolin clay plates that are less than a micrometer thick.

There is no evidence of individual elemental aluminum particles detected by PLM, SEM-EDS, or TEM-SAED-EDS, during the analyses of the red layers in their original form or after sample preparation by ashing, thin sectioning or following MEK treatment.

Nano-thermite made up of approximately 2 nanometer iron oxide particles and approximately 30 nanometer aluminum metal spheres

The differences in size of the FeO being 100-200 nm and the requirement for about 2 nanometer size for the "nano-thermite" are not reconcilable.  Period.

The lack of the (more or less) 30 nm AL spheres is conclusive.  Obviously, for "regular thermite" normal size powdered metals are satisfactory.

As I mentioned, it doesn't seem like Millette was dealing with the same material that Harrit et-all were.  Obviously that make his analysis worthless no matter whether he is competent and honest or not.  When I get the paper I'll see how his chain-of-custody compares to that of Harrit et-all and others who seem to be dealing with genuine samples.

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