
Topic: What do you think about 9/11 mystery? - page 5. (Read 54921 times)

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
September 13, 2016, 08:02:18 AM
9/11 and the Treason of Empire

The fifteenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks has brought us mournful memorials, declarations that we will "never forget," and outraged realizations that nearly a third of Americans don't recall what year that signal event occurred. All of this is quite natural, but it isn't what we need at the moment. Yes, anniversaries are a time for looking back, but I want to do something quite different: I want to look forward, and ask "Where are we now – and where are we going?"

But we can't see where we are going without understanding where we have been, and thanks to that miracle known as the Internet you can do that by reading something I wrote fourteen years ago, in the Autumn of 2002: "Iraq: First Stop on the Road to Empire." It is actually a speech I gave to the Washington University chapter of Young Americans for Liberty, in which I gave a pretty thorough accounting of the history that brought us to that day, September 11, 2001, as well as a warning of what the future held.

While the fires ignited by the blast in lower Manhattan had been put out, I warned that a fire had been lighted in the hive mind of our political class, one that, to this day, still smolders and burns and fills our eyes with acrid smoke:



Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
September 13, 2016, 07:36:56 AM
There will always be a conspiracy theory surrounding this. For one, Osama was a CIA NCO who went rogue, who else has he contacted from inside? There will always be a loose end somewhere..

Posted From Android App

Unfortunately for this type of theory, the number and variety of "Groups that the US has helped with training or funds" is virtually "all."  Therefore, to pick one out and indicate that we helped them when Afghanistan's war was with the Soviets is rather ridiculous.

But you are correct to indicate that he "went rogue," instead of applying conspiracy theory to the actual events.

How's it like working for Iran these days?

Im not working for Iran.
The guy speaks Greek. I don't know if he works for Iran or not, but it's not very probable for a random Greek. He wrote
"Φανταζομαι θα χρειαζεται και συσκευη ποδομετρου. Παντως θα ειχε νοημα αν εβαζαν ενα ποσοστο πληθωρισμου 5-10%/ετος ή αρνητικο επιτοκιο 5-10%/ετος και ο κοσμος να μιναρει αυτο το ποσοστο αλλιως μαλλον ειναι πυραμιδα."

Anyone who propagates the propaganda of Iran is working for Iran.  Sure, some of them don't even know that's what they are doing.

Puppets on a string.
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Activity: 672
Merit: 508
September 12, 2016, 07:54:26 PM
9/11 mystery? not mistery
nothing mistery, only criminal, teroristme in explode to WTC
It was an outside job.

The guy speaks Greek. I don't know if he works for Iran or not, but it's not very probable for a random Greek. He wrote
"Φανταζομαι θα χρειαζεται και συσκευη ποδομετρου. Παντως θα ειχε νοημα αν εβαζαν ενα ποσοστο πληθωρισμου 5-10%/ετος ή αρνητικο επιτοκιο 5-10%/ετος και ο κοσμος να μιναρει αυτο το ποσοστο αλλιως μαλλον ειναι πυραμιδα."

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Activity: 378
Merit: 251
September 12, 2016, 07:40:26 PM
There will always be a conspiracy theory surrounding this. For one, Osama was a CIA NCO who went rogue, who else has he contacted from inside? There will always be a loose end somewhere..

Posted From Android App
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
September 12, 2016, 01:24:52 PM
VIDEO: Journalist Swarmed by Cops, Arrested for Asking People About Tower 7 on 9/11

Gainsville, FL — Bob Tuskin, former radio host for Free Thought Project Radio and co-founder of the Free Your Mind conference, was conducting street interviews with folks outside of the Florida Gators game this weekend, when he was swarmed by cops and arrested — without reason.

Outside of the stadium, multiple other political and religious groups were demonstrating peacefully. However, only Tuskin was targeted. There were Trump supporters, religious speakers, and various other groups who the police completely ignored.

Tuskin was not harassing anyone, nor was he causing any problems whatsoever. Tuskin simply asked passersby if they would like to watch a video of a building collapsing — and for this, he was kidnapped by armed agents of the state and put in a cage.

Tuskin's schtick was simple. He would show people a video of building collapsing in six seconds and then ask them what that looked like to them. Everyone replies the same, saying it looks like controlled demolition. But when Tuskin tells them that this building is tower 7 and fell on 9/11, he's quickly met with denial, angst, vitriol, ridicule, and now police force.

Below is a video from last year, when Tuskin conducted the same interviews. Notice how the police in this video were actually nice and participated — instead of kidnapping and caging Tuskin.

The Building 7 Challenge


Arrested Filming the Building 7 Challenge;
Police Harass and Arrest Journalist

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
September 12, 2016, 10:39:10 AM
Activity: 2912
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September 12, 2016, 08:44:16 AM
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Activity: 560
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September 12, 2016, 05:30:03 AM
9/11 mystery? not mistery
nothing mistery, only criminal, teroristme in explode to WTC
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
September 12, 2016, 02:30:30 AM
Activity: 1500
Merit: 1022
I advocate the Zeitgeist Movement & Venus Project.
September 11, 2016, 11:58:24 PM
“What I learned: Sept 11th 2001 - Sept 11th 2016”
As dictated into text in 10 min, by Peter Joseph
On September 11th 2001, I woke up a bit late for work. Living in Brooklyn, I hopped the train to midtown to humor my job as an artistic director for a team of corporate media video editors. Blasting some flavor of polymetric Nordic death metal in my headphones, a morning ritual to assist my burgeoning caffeine habit, I bounced along my subway transfers, never noticing why the train kept starting and stopping more than usual. By the time I reached midtown, it was about 9:15 and rather than run to my job, now 15 min late, I decided, as usual, food was more of a priority. So, I popped into my fav bagel shop and noticed something was off. Finally removing my headphones, I inquired as to the strange mass behavior I was feeling. My buddy behind the counter, someone I had seen almost everyday for 2 years, looked at me and said coldly “You have had your headphone on. Two planes. Each crashed into the twin towers.”
Walking back outside, the temperament of things changed dramatically as my perception opened. The vast rush hour masses had a tension I will never forget. Something that can only be felt not described. Entering the office was equally as strange. My co-worker and friend Scott (who coincidentally ended up being the “man on the street” for Culture In Decline over a decade later) was in rare form. He said to me “Dude! They just hit the pentagon! There is no other symbolic strike that could ever show such an act of war!” This was true. His father also worked at the Pentagon so there was a deeper meaning to that observation. Luckily his father wasn’t harmed.
Being dismissed from work early, Scott and another co-worker and I went to his apartment. By that time, the city was almost a ghost town. After phone calls with family, we all sat back and watched the news as the vast majority did. And my memory of that experience alone was surreal. While I admit the stress of the circumstance brought out the whisky, the nature of the news that day was overwhelming. I think we watched those planes enter those towers 500 times in a few hours. Over and Over. The news was just a loop, in effect. It was like a kind of cult or religious programming - endless repetition of images to be associated. Explosions, collapsing towers, bin Laden, Islam, various “terrorist” b-roll highlighting the Middle East; peppered with the incredible suffering and heart break of the families and victims of the event. To me - and to the nation at large - these images would never be separated again. It was an emotionally induced trauma; a sociological effect comparable to mass PTSD.
As the years went by, my basic sense of religious contempt was only inflamed. I was perfectly happy to believe that a set of extremists, praising their invisible man in the sky, conjured up a plan to harm the “evil empire”. I really didn’t give it a 2nd thought until about 5 years later when I saw footage of World Trade Center 7. Since I had never heard of WTC7 until 2006, it baffled the intuition that a nearly 50 story building, located a city block away from the twin towers, could quite suddenly collapse into its own footprint at free fall speed. Having always enjoyed physics and math in school, nothing about this was right, especially the corroborating testimony of people who were inside WTC7 who experienced pre-weakening explosions first hand. Even the official NIST report never explained how the collapse occurred, despite its closed black-box model that magically made it all work in a computer. And from that moment, the flood gates opened with not a few discrepancies regarding the Official Story - but hundreds.
But! I’m not here to explore the vast evidence that links 9/11 to internal corruption and collusion within the United States Government. Yes, we could talk about the weeks of extreme high temperatures coming from under collapsed WTC1, WTC2 and WTC7 that could be seen via thermal imagery from satellite — temperatures that were simply impossible on their own, corroborated by the numerous fire department eye witnesses that describe pools of liquid or molten steel in the basements. Yes, we could talk about the multi-corroborated testimony from various workers in the sub-basements of WTC1 and WTC2 who experienced mass explosions there — moments before the planes even hit the top of the towers; the same explosions that blew out the windows of the building lobbies on the first floor. Yes, we could talk about NORAD and the FAA and the numerous war games going on the same day, some of which involved planes being flown into buildings, causing apparent confusion as fighter jets were scrambled in the complete wrong direction. A failure of commercial interception that has never happened in US history.
Yes, we could talk about how most of the hijackers had been under FBA surveillance for years, with two of them actually living with an FBI informant. Yes, we could talk about the 100+ warnings sent from all over the world that an attack on US soil, possibly the WTC, was looming while the Bush admin looked the other way. The words “it will be spectacular” was used months before by the CIA. Yes, we could talk about how it took over a year and with perpetual pressure from the victims' families to have any investigation at all - resulting in perhaps one of the most underfunded inquiries to date; only to produce the 911 Commission (Omission) Report where, today, the heads admit their efforts were stifled at every turn and the report is heavily whitewashed. And Yes - we could also talk about how the events of 9/11 have set course for criminal Western military invasions and imperialism with systemic chain reactions that continue to throw a net of hegemonic oppression, death and destruction over the planet - including the creation of what has now become real, true terrorism in the form of IS and so on.
Yes — We could talk about alot of things.
But I’m not. Wink
Instead, I am going to use this 15th anniversary of 9/11 to talk about the most important thing I learned from the event and that is the power of social psychology. To whatever degree you disagree with the Official US Conspiracy Theory, you will find that the discussion is long closed and the stamp of religious sanctity has made the event untouchable. It is now a codified religious myth and there are severe consequences to those who dare express an alternative position. “Heretic” is perhaps the best term for it.
It is an unfortunate evolutionary fact that human beings are prone to seeking acceptance into their community or group rather than suffer the isolation and ostracism that comes with taking an unpopular position. This is compounded by the need to uphold a reputation, something also related to gaining income in this society. People will justify all sorts of things to maintain an image to secure income, even if it means suppressing their beliefs. I can’t tell you how many friends who were outspoken in demanding a real, independent investigation of 9/11 lost their jobs and were alienated from friends and family. Some were sent into massive depressions with dark results.
The herd mentality has a powerful effect in terms of what is called “social identity theory”. Social identity theory points out that we are ultimately defined by the people around us, particularly the groups we identify with. In this, deviation from the group consensus is destabilizing. In the 1950s, a study asking a group of people to make simple decisions about visual images, such as which line on a screen was the longest of a set. However, all but one test subject was in on the study. These other participants were fakes, planted to purposely agree on the wrong answer and encourage the test subject to go along with their group decision about the correct match. The controlled study proved a strong effect of peer pressure, with over 75 percent of the participants in the total of 12 repeated tests conforming at least once. This is in contrast to the control group (no pressure to conform) where less than 1 percent conformed. This propensity to favor group loyalty, bypassing critical, independent thought is widespread and it works on the personal level or the mass social level.
Neurobiologist Vasily Klucharev writes that “the deviation of individual opinion from the group behavior (opinions) is interpreted by the nervous system as behavioral error or ’reward prediction error’, which starts the process of behavior change, based on the dopaminergic mechanism of reinforcement learning.” In other words, our very brains are somewhat trapped between rational thinking and impulsive counter reactions that seek to prefer in-group conclusions. We experience pain otherwise. These lower brain reactions can make us vulnerable to numerous thoughtless behaviors triggered by brain chemistry, and in addition make us susceptible to external manipulation. Our emotions can literally “change our mind” when the pressure is high enough, given the power of the subconscious mind.
The point being, since 9/11 the power of this gravitation toward group identity/inclusion has been made strongly apparent. Today, I’m hard pressed to find any average person willing to have a rational conversation on the countless problems with the US governments story of 9/11. The emotional dissonance is simply to hard for them, especially since the barometer of the zeitgeist - the mainstream media - has condemned any such discussion with vast pejoratives, derision and mockery. This is no different in phenomenology than the group gravitations in presidential elections, as we see the masses fall victim to today. The undertone of wanting to be on the “winning” side of such a contest, quickly pulls people in due to these same propensities for social inclusion.
So, as much as we like to think humanity has critical freewill to make proper decisions if properly informed, the truth is we have a sociological group inclusion problem. And this problem fights logic, reason and critical thought. I wish I had a simple answer to resolve it, particularly with respect to the dire need for a social revolution. But until a kind of grand galvanization is created - one focused and consistent in its targets and methods, we cannot expect much change given this looming sociological imposition. The tipping point can only occur through critical mass; A mass large enough to attract enough people to override this fatal evolutionary flaw. I am convinced that this basic irrational propensity, compounded by our social system, is exactly what stops what should be a natural, progressive move into improved social affairs by humanity.
That is the most important thing I learned from 9/11 and it has changed the way I engage the world as an activist. That said, I will conclude by making one other observation.
While the problem of the “bandwagon” is bad enough, 9/11 fundamentally promotes “in-group” and “out-group” bigotry. This annual ritual we have to remind ourselves of how "we" were “attacked” does nothing but inflame the irrational. People say to me “don’t you feel for the families of 9/11?” I say yes- but no more than the 1 poor child who dies every 5 seconds from poverty and inequality. And this annual event isn’t about the families or victims anyway. It is about American exceptionalism.
My sympathy is not driven by this illusion of group identity we have fostered in the US or the Western world in general. There are no exceptions. It is a miserably immature reality that just because the event was molded by malice and was executed in a spectacularly criminal, Hollywood film-like way, that the citizens of the United States now blindly recite their religious catch phrase of “we will never forget”. The very phrase is draped in vindictive-ness and elitism.
And this applies to all nations or groups that hold up their “personal atrocities” as some reminder of their plight or current exceptionalism.
On that level, I want nothing more than to forget.
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
September 11, 2016, 07:27:36 PM
Activity: 3906
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September 11, 2016, 02:20:29 PM
Forget Building 7, Building 6 is the smoking gun on 911. 
If any one at this point still believes the official story  it is because they decide to!
Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
September 11, 2016, 02:09:10 PM

That's the inevitable consequence of a decision to have a "blue ribbon panel" do an investigation on a subject where certain aspects have been classified.

Classified why? What needs to be hidden? Destruction of evidence = coverup of a crime. Where are the hundreds surveillance videos confiscated from private individuals? Where are the black boxes from the planes that were "never found" another unprecedented event that happened 4 times in one day? Why did the nation's air defense systems stand down? Why were the surface to air missiles installed on the Pentagon not operational that day? Why aren't the official mathematical models that supposedly explain the collapse being released to the public? What was the rush to ship all of the steel from the twin towers to China to be recycled? Why was the FBI pulled off of the trail of two of the hijackers shortly before the attacks? Why was Osama Bin Laden's family allowed to leave the country in a private jet the day after? Why was in investigation resisted for so long then severely underfunded? Why are the concerns of the 9/11 commission panel being ignored? Why are the concerns of the victim's family members being ignored? Why are the concerns of thousands of pilots, architects, and engineers being ignored? There are thousands of unanswered questions and situations that run contrary to the official narrative of that day. People will never stop asking. This day changed the world forever. People will never stop looking for the truth.
What exactly is your point?  Classified is classified.  I would like access to some classified docs from the Kennedy era.  The Nixon era.  Etc.  The fact something is classified does not mean conspiracy.  A barrage of questions doesn't have meaning. 

And the fact is it was a conspiracy, even if your bullshit state narrative were true, it would still be a conspiracy. So stop using that word like a cudgel and get yourself a dictionary.
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Activity: 374
Merit: 250
September 11, 2016, 09:49:36 AM
I was watching the new videos of 911 on CNN from inside the building before they fell. And I thought, it looks so stable inside inside, this might subconsciously cause some casual people to have doubt about how those building fell.
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
September 11, 2016, 09:38:46 AM

How's it like working for Iran these days?
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
September 10, 2016, 11:29:55 PM

That's the inevitable consequence of a decision to have a "blue ribbon panel" do an investigation on a subject where certain aspects have been classified.

Classified why? What needs to be hidden? Destruction of evidence = coverup of a crime. Where are the hundreds surveillance videos confiscated from private individuals? Where are the black boxes from the planes that were "never found" another unprecedented event that happened 4 times in one day? Why did the nation's air defense systems stand down? Why were the surface to air missiles installed on the Pentagon not operational that day? Why aren't the official mathematical models that supposedly explain the collapse being released to the public? What was the rush to ship all of the steel from the twin towers to China to be recycled? Why was the FBI pulled off of the trail of two of the hijackers shortly before the attacks? Why was Osama Bin Laden's family allowed to leave the country in a private jet the day after? Why was in investigation resisted for so long then severely underfunded? Why are the concerns of the 9/11 commission panel being ignored? Why are the concerns of the victim's family members being ignored? Why are the concerns of thousands of pilots, architects, and engineers being ignored? There are thousands of unanswered questions and situations that run contrary to the official narrative of that day. People will never stop asking. This day changed the world forever. People will never stop looking for the truth.
What exactly is your point?  Classified is classified.  I would like access to some classified docs from the Kennedy era.  The Nixon era.  Etc.  The fact something is classified does not mean conspiracy.  A barrage of questions doesn't have meaning. 

Actually, classified DOES mean conspiracy. Usually more than one person is involved in making something to be classified, and when others agree, the conspiracy grows. Look up the definition of conspiracy. The classifying is simply a conspiracy that might be different than whatever conspiracy might be involved with the thing that is being classified. But, it may all be part of the same conspiracy, as well.

Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
September 10, 2016, 10:51:15 PM

That's the inevitable consequence of a decision to have a "blue ribbon panel" do an investigation on a subject where certain aspects have been classified.

Classified why? What needs to be hidden? Destruction of evidence = coverup of a crime. Where are the hundreds surveillance videos confiscated from private individuals? Where are the black boxes from the planes that were "never found" another unprecedented event that happened 4 times in one day? Why did the nation's air defense systems stand down? Why were the surface to air missiles installed on the Pentagon not operational that day? Why aren't the official mathematical models that supposedly explain the collapse being released to the public? What was the rush to ship all of the steel from the twin towers to China to be recycled? Why was the FBI pulled off of the trail of two of the hijackers shortly before the attacks? Why was Osama Bin Laden's family allowed to leave the country in a private jet the day after? Why was in investigation resisted for so long then severely underfunded? Why are the concerns of the 9/11 commission panel being ignored? Why are the concerns of the victim's family members being ignored? Why are the concerns of thousands of pilots, architects, and engineers being ignored? There are thousands of unanswered questions and situations that run contrary to the official narrative of that day. People will never stop asking. This day changed the world forever. People will never stop looking for the truth.
What exactly is your point?  Classified is classified.  I would like access to some classified docs from the Kennedy era.  The Nixon era.  Etc.  The fact something is classified does not mean conspiracy.  A barrage of questions doesn't have meaning. 
Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
September 10, 2016, 10:45:53 PM

That's the inevitable consequence of a decision to have a "blue ribbon panel" do an investigation on a subject where certain aspects have been classified.

Classified why? What needs to be hidden? Destruction of evidence = coverup of a crime. Where are the hundreds surveillance videos confiscated from private individuals? Where are the black boxes from the planes that were "never found" another unprecedented event that happened 4 times in one day? Why did the nation's air defense systems stand down? Why were the surface to air missiles installed on the Pentagon not operational that day? Why aren't the official mathematical models that supposedly explain the collapse being released to the public? What was the rush to ship all of the steel from the twin towers to China to be recycled? Why was the FBI pulled off of the trail of two of the hijackers shortly before the attacks? Why was Osama Bin Laden's family allowed to leave the country in a private jet the day after? Why was in investigation resisted for so long then severely underfunded? Why are the concerns of the 9/11 commission panel being ignored? Why are the concerns of the victim's family members being ignored? Why are the concerns of thousands of pilots, architects, and engineers being ignored? There are thousands of unanswered questions and situations that run contrary to the official narrative of that day. People will never stop asking. This day changed the world forever. People will never stop looking for the truth.
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