What would happen if all drugs became legal- referring to illegal drugs of course. This earth would be like heaven.
Heaven place for criminals, rapist, terrorist, holdups, prostitutes, and the like. And hell for those who didn't use it. We know the effect of illegal drugs like methamphetamine and cannabis. With abusive use of large dosage people will be transported into another world. A world where fantasy became reality, thus, sometimes they see their victims as an animal or a devil. Then crime will happened eventually. If all drugs became legal, maybe after a month, human extinction will follow, and it would be a better place to live in for animals, insects, and plants.
False, as this did not happen in Portugal, however you have a vivid imagination!
I hope they start by legalizing flakka
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrAuBGPQ5ywIt's funny. You post this because you want to make it seem like legalizing drugs is insane, yet you've unwittingly made a very strong point for legalization.
What you apparently fail to realize that is drugs like flakka exist because of the war on drugs. Some
entrepreneurs mad scientists realized that instead of dealing with the risks of the illegal drug trade, they would just synthesize up a new batch of stuff that isn't on the DEA's list yet. Since these guys typically aren't your model citizens, they also mix the shit with pretty much whatever they want, which leads to a whole slew of problems from adverse side effects to straight up toxicity.
The point is, if "normal" drugs were legal, people could get their hands on the high quality, high purity drugs they were actually after, and there wouldn't really be a market for stuff cooked up in some tweaker's basement lab. No need for flakka when you can go down to the corner store and buy some cheap, potent cocaine. Recreational drug users don't want to die, fight the police, or turn into brain eating zombies, they just want to blow off some steam and have a good time (just like anyone who goes to happy-hour after work).
Anyone who thinks prohibition is a good idea should study the US's alcohol prohibition in the 20s and before long you start to realize that while prohibition isn't ever going to end the demand for a certain good, it will most definitely make everything surrounding the sale and use of that good significantly worse. Flakka is akin to bathtub gin. Guess what happened to the bathtub gin market once prohibition ended.