Precisely. If you are depositing money into banks, it might seem like a good deal at first. You're like wow, you're getting 2-3% a year by doing nothing, and if i get enough money deposited into that account then you're able to basically live off interest alone, right? But no, prices of goods around you are going up faster than you're getting in interest, therefore depositing moeny into banks is essentially pointless in a business point of view.
The main reason why all this is such a big issue though is fractional reserve - banks make "bank" off getting deposits, generating more cashflow than you deposited because of this fractional reserve scheme, and essentially lending $3 when they only received a $1 deposit.
And also, centralized means of money remittance means that you're accepting any frozen accounts that occur, especially when using bitcoin on a daily basis. It's not rare that bitcoin trader's bank accounts get suspended. With bitcoin, you get rid of the fractional reserve, you get rid of the banks taking all the profits, and best of all - you don't need to deal with frozen accounts anymore, nor do you need to deal with stolen credit cards as a business owner.