Poker bots have existed for a very long time, and as you may guess they are completely banned, and as soon as a casino discovers that you are making use of a bot then your account will get banned, and I do not see why the use of an AI could be exempt of those rules.
Too much use of artificial intelligence is not a good thing either because it will only have the effect of dependency without any intention of being able to try one's own abilities.
Of course casinos will ban the use of poker bots because it is very detrimental to the casino, moreover using a poker bot is tantamount to playing unfairly.
Blocking gambling accounts because they have violated serious rules is a natural thing so that all gamblers will be able to realize that this is not allowed and can be a warning to other gamblers not to make the same mistake next time.
After all even if poker is a complex game, at heart it is a game dealing with probabilities, and computers are incredibly efficient at crunching numbers allowing them with the right programming to be way better than the average poker player.