Hey Bitcointalkers,
What games do you like to play (mobile, board games, easy game with friends, etc.) that you would love to see put into an online casino for real betting?
There have been a lot of successful yet simple games in online casinos like Heads or Tails, Over/Under, and more. We are looking to see what games you guys love and wonder if we can turn them into an online betting game!
Actually there are games that I've always wanted to exist, arcade games are what I want, it's fun if you can fight against other players, as for examples like Tekken games, mortal kombat, or even the most old-school games like Tetris, of course this is very exciting for me.
Well, the truth is that these games would be quite a feat if they could implement them, it would fascinate me too, although I see fighting games as very possible to implement, the only thing is that these games require many keys through commands, which it can mean a limitation for when a player wants to take it, in addition to those types of games, the machines suffer a lot due to the way they are given to the controls, they would have to be a special type of game with very special machinery, they would be very fights fast blitz style or very fast two rounds, I think that would be a way, but I still see it as difficult.