One of the biggest obstacles may be finding an avenue towards marketing a crypto currency in a way which appeals to the average person who is likely not computer savvy, interested in economic thought experiments or technically inclined in terms of comprehending what a blockchain is or why deflationary currencies could matter over the long term.
Linux attempted to gain mainstream appeal via utilizing a cute, cuddly, penguin mascot. Can bitcoin, ICOs or alts learn from or emulate this form of tactic? Is it worthwhile or time effective to pursue in this day and age? Viral marketing campaigns have shifted and evolved over time to encompass more of an entertainment genre than one which invokes information or education. This makes it difficult to market things like crypto currencies, which appeal moreso to intellect and long term planning.
At least some of our current culture revolves around instant gratification and get rich quick schemes. The ideal of having something for nothing is what has market appeal atm. How to market crypto, alts and ICOs in a way which appeals to those types of mentalities?