The plans to prevent getting back to gambling must be approached in psychological way because it is very much similar to quitting gambling. When a gambler is not frequenting to come back then most probably he will get chances to leave off gambling completely.
Prople can't blame themselves , as gambling will hook you to be the person who looks so bad like greedy ,
I know its hard to reject the desire to not gamble again ,
Your brain always force you to play again due an addiction.
So beware of that two , you will never have fun if you following it ,
I mean you should looking for a way to prevent you become greedy and addicted!
The huge winning with simple way always make you hooked.
Just don't get hooked and addicted to it. Usually people get addicted to things which they always do regularly - with gambling, when people loses quite some of money, the emotion is so strong to play again to chase that loses but actually most of the time ends up of losing more and more and in the process getting addicted to it.
Treat gambling like you will do it for once in your whole life ,
Don't be naive , always think about the negative impacts ,
You maybe won't feel have to come back to gamble.
When gambling is already an addiction it is already a habit that is really hard to break - it is like taking tooth brush right after you wake up in the morning- it is already a part of your system. The only way to get rid of it is to replace it with something or other activities and make the new one a new habit to form..