That is the root cause of your 'problem'. You have not experienced what you preach. I did.
The grass is always greener on the other side.
What I was trying to tell you is that capitalism is better than communism or socialism. But you keep saying "la-la-la, I don't care".
So stay ignorant. Preach your nonsense.
PS. You are basically saying people who don't want to become financially independent are poor. And it is the fault of the system that a large number of people stay poor. You absolve people of any personal responsibility for their financial situation. That is why communism is an insane system.
We need a system where all workers are financially independent. There are two parts to my argument.
1. Workers should not be poor. This is not saying that workers should be rich but just that they should have an
acceptable bare minimum.
2. People should not be born into poverty. Of course I am absolving a child who is not properly fed of any personal responsibility for their financial situation. What kind of monster would blame children for being born poor. Of course there is a certain age, where children are no longer children and should have developed their own sense of responsibility but that is all depending on proper conditions for their cognitive development.
re: 1
It is a noble goal.
How on Earth do you want to accomplish that? Please do not say by redistribution of wealth, from the most capable hands to everyone else regardless of skills and abilities? This can only be accomplished by forceful confiscation from those who have more than the average. BTW, in all capitalist societies workers already earn more than the bare minimum. Acceptable by whom? We all want the proverbial pony for Christmas.
You want to help the hungry, teach them how to fish.
The only way out of poverty is education and hard work, IMHO. If you steal the capital from the rich and redistribute it to the poor, it is equivalent to stealing the fish from the fishermen and giving it to the poor. After they go through it, they will go hungry again.
re: 2
You should blame the parents for children being born poor. You absolve the parents of that responsibility. Sex education, pregnancy prevention, and abortion can reduce the number of children born into poverty.
Your solution is reactionary. Dig deeper for the root causes.
I'm only saying we should already be giving everyone education. Once everyone has been educated, what they do with that education is on them but you can't blame people who never had education for not making smart, educated decisions.
Give everyone good sex education and access to sexual healthcare and you reduce the birthrate. That much is proven to work.
I want to give everyone fishing lessons. I want to give children fish until they are old enough to fish for themselves.
Blaming parents for children being poor is fine but doesn't solve the problem. Punishing kids for having bad parents is awful. Kids don't choose their parents.
The problem with your logic (or rather lack of) is that you suffer under the delusion that everyone can be saved. You are seeking a fantasy that is impossible to implement, and every time it is tried it results in a living nightmare. Humans can potentially reproduce infinitely. Resources are not infinite no matter how much money you hand out. If you break the incentive for the producers to provide for all of us, everyone loses. In the real world bad things happen. People suffer. This is a fact of life. Your inability to come to terms with this is a result of your own infantilization living such a privileged life. Some of us made it to the life boat, some didn't. You just continually trying to jam more and more people onto the life boat means it sinks and we all drown.
You aren't a man who has suffered, you are a child misleading other children into a delusional and fatal fantasy where the police are always your friend, the doctor always wants to heal you, and the government always has your best interest at heart. You are doing nothing but preparing the next generation to fail because you can't cope with the fact that some times people end up in horrible situations, and it isn't necessarily anyone's fault. You aren't Jesus Christ and you aren't going to save the world, and you will burn it down trying.
Humans won't reproduce infinitely if they are educated. Educating everyone isn't just going to benefit the poor. Its going to benefit the entire society without breaking an incentive. Survival is not the only incentive. Theres still a huge gap between having the bare essentials and being rich. No one wants to get rid of that gap.
Its not just "some" people or "some" times. You need to realize that most people are poor. Two thirds of the world's population don't even have access to clean freshwater throughout the year. Half of the world live on less than 6 dollars a day. The poor of the future will be even worse off. A system that fails most people is a failed system. We just happen to be in the exception of people who have benefited by fluke.
Reality is already a nightmare by your own account so theres no point in staying idle and letting all of humanity's solutions to these problems go to waste.