Just because the value have fallen these past few months, people are claiming that the end is nigh for bitcoins and most have believed these reports and have gone to sell their cryptos. But with the emergence of lot of crypto should tell anyone that this is indeed the age of Cryptos and they shouldn't be faint hearted at this juncture.
Yes, i agree with this. Especially for people who's new in trading, in this case bitcoin. Many people scared and doing cutloss because the price fall down day by day. They even dont do technical analysis about the coin. They just look the candle goes down many times, then they start to sell their crypto. What a panic sell. This make the price more fall continuosly.
I suggest to people like this stop to trade in short term. Try to long term trading and not put all your money in one coin. At this moment, its quite good for investing and see in this end of year. I'm pretty sure the price will raised up, especially bitcoin around $10,000. Just be patient.