and the American sheeple actually believe they have an army

the only thing insane is continuing to allow a group of people to legally print the only currency that is accepted for the payment of taxes and loaning it with interest to the public.
banks produce nothing of value and yet they are worth billions, they are parasites living off the goods produced by the real working population.
Virtually nothing in your post is correct.
The dollar has been fiat paper since long before 1971. What happened in 1971 was a "solution" to Triffin's Dilemma.
China's dollar holdings are off by a couple orders of magnitude from being able to "buy all of it in cash".
The military is not particularly financed by Chinese loans. In fact, China doesn't make any loans as such. What really happens is that dollars flood into China in trade for manufactured goods, and the Chinese central bank has to do something with them. In the past, they've used them to buy US Treasuries, which are essentially dollars in different packaging. Though the end result is similar, buying debt instruments on the market isn't what most people have in mind when they think of someone "making a loan".
At any rate, Chinese holdings are pretty much flat, and have been for a while now. This reflects an appetite for risk on the part of the Chinese central bank more than anything else. During times of crisis, global demand for safety rises, and treasuries do quite well, because as bad as it is in the US, it tends to be far worse elsewhere.
Banks do produce much of value. It is just hard to see that right now because their productive work is swamped by gambling and manipulation schemes. Your gripe should really be with the governments that have turned them into instruments of the state, and that shelter them from losses. It is hard to imagine an industry that wouldn't be similarly corrupt if raised in a similar environment. If your industry was given a stack of signed blank checks and told to do whatever they like so long as they don't cross a few arbitrary regulatory lines, how long do you think virtue would last?