So, two harmful influences: problematic gambling empties the pockets of a gambler who came to earn money in gambling and not to play for pleasure. And the second harmful factor is that the gambler steals money from friends, and because of this he loses trust among his loved ones. And this is very bad, because trust is hard to earn anew.
Of course, those who gamble excessively are people who are addicted to gambling, and we all know that if someone has become addicted to gambling, they can most likely ignore things around them, and someone who is addicted can do anything when they no longer have money to gamble, but The feeling of wanting to gamble is still there, there are many things they can do to make money, such as by borrowing or stealing, of course they won't stop there when they run out of money, because the feeling of wanting to gamble is what drives them to do things that take big risks. This happens to those who gamble excessively where many bad impacts will occur. but when you don't gamble, maybe your finances will be fine.