It would be really difficult to sell land now to a non-resident of his country. But at the same time, inside the country, I still admit such an opportunity, when the buyer and seller are sufficiently oriented in the laws of their country.
For example, the land can be issued as a gift, and the cryptocurrency can simply be transferred from the wallet to the wallet.
You are probably trying to avoid regulations. I believe it is possible in some countries, don't know about Russia. but even to a Russian it may be possible. You can announce your land in a local newspaper/website and say that you accept btc?
Your question is similar to stupidity, because it is simply impossible to sell land for cryptocurrency!
It is not stupid. Hr is trying to avoid regulations. He lives in a country where the government is very powerful and the economy is not as Free as in Europe or USA.
Once again I want to thank those who took part in this discussion.
I want to make some clarity!
I perfectly understand the laws of my country. And I also want to note that I do not want to circumvent the statutory rules.
I just wondered about the alternative sale of a real material object for cryptocurrency.
Perhaps simply this question would be correctly solved in the Russian segment of this form. But so far no one has shown interest in this issue.
I believe that sooner or later we will come to the conclusion that smart contracts will make such property transfer transactions possible.
Currently, the issue of cryptocurrency in Russia is not fully established. So cryptocurrency in Russia is not prohibited! But there is also no regulation in the area of cryptocurrency resolution in Russia.
I hope that I could at least a little clarify the discussion. Thank you all again for joining.