if you have never started trading before, better you create an account in the local marketplace in your country if available.
because this will make it easier for you to withdraw your funds later on. if you already know cryptocurrency trading before
there are many trusted exchange market options on the internet, maybe you can start with binance.
He can still use binance which I don’t think that would still stop him from using local exchanges to move his money out since he will always make use of transfer. When I first started cryptocurrency trading too, I started with Binance because binance seems to still have the most friendly trading platform than all these other exchanges and if there is any need for me to move my money into fiat to buy any personal needs, I just transfer it to that local exchange that I trust which is quite easy to do.
So, if the newbie is to take advantage of very cheap trading fee, I think that it is best for him to just go for binance straight away as that is the only exchange that can benefit him more. Other exchanges like kucoin, kraken and the rest are ok too, but I still believe more in binance.