Personally, a a bettor, I find it very stressful when watching the game you are betting especially if it will end up a losing bet.
If we have the same experience, how do you cope up with that problem, after all, gambling should be fun but why we have this kind of feeling that we feel disappointed when our bet loses?
There are several people that I met in which having different strategy that they are closing their eyes before the results comes out so they will be surprised if win comes and just a little disappointed when lose.
There could be other ways, one of the biggest reason is probably he is gambling with an amount he can't afford to lose, something that we can't say we are just gambling for fun because if we lose we will consider it as a significant loss. If we are serious that's when we start risking bigger money, and we will only do that because we trust our skills to make us profitable, but unable to control our emotion or afraid to watch game we are betting, most likely that bankroll will not last as we might sooner or later panic and make stupid bets.