Actually shocking what I just read, just notice that he even when as far as showing people how to steal others info on this thread. Is this even legal? Before he wasn't this arrogant, so it wasn't as obvious that he was a scammer he was just selling shit cheap. But reading his posts on this site and the fact he show others how to scam and curses and insults alot of you guys and you guys just blow it off as a joke, says alot. I would have never trusted this asshoe if he posting the crap he did and some of you guys already called him out, as he was using multiple fake addresses, that sure have clue you in, if he selling people info for 1k as CPN's with fake name, which is actually real people with different SSN's and using a different addess, no matter how he trys to down play it. Theirs one another guy that does the same crap and goes by the name EBAYISAJOKE.
It's fraud and identity theft!! and don't feel sorry for any of you that use his services to commit fraud, because theirs no other good reason to get a CPN other then someone stole your ID and this is one of the reason for the housing fraud and insurance scams, as people bought house hoping to make a quick profit they couldn't afford, using these fake CPN to obtain EIN, ITIN, SSN, TIN numbers with fake piggy back credit accounts lines. If you have bad credit it's your own fault, or your spouses.