Why do I have to go to the local doctor?
Because you aren't walking or talking or thinking, you are about to die. The doctor has to decide for you, and only has seconds to do so.
These ridiculous hypotheticals prove nothing. The free market solution provides better care in general, because all the right incentives are there. You point to one contrived case as proof that it fails completely. No, not everyone will magically be saved in a free market, but on average everyone will experience much better service.
I can play this game too. What if the regulators charged with the job of forcing "morality" on doctors decides you need to go kill some people on the other side of the world? What if they decide you have to go to prison for smoking a plant? What if the FDA approves a drug that causes death? You just take your business elsewhere... oh wait!
Why is healthcare expensive? we already discussed the fact that the state drives up the costs in the first place.
Yep, it is the hopeless mix of private and public health system with insurance companies and lawyers taking cuts. It's an industry. A public health system proves to be much more efficient, as far as you can prove something using statistics from other countries.
Stats are easily biased and misinterpreted. The fact is that if you understand that businesses profit ONLY by being the best providers of a good or service in a competitive market place, the profit incentive naturally leads to low prices and high quality. How does the computer industry work? Are the regulators forcing manufacturers to produce faster, more efficient chips? No, manufacturers do this on their own because their customers want it.
Do you have to buy computer insurance? No, because they're so damn cheap you can just buy a new one if it breaks. This is the unregulated market.
Why can't charities/family help out? Without paying tribute to our government overlords, we will have plenty of wealth left over to help the needy.
They will have to help out as well when the bill for keeping that heart and lung machine running for tree days come on the table. You chose the extra expensive model by moving your left eyelid, or so the doctor tells you.
Actually, this kind of overconsumption happens when the government subsidises services. Because the extra expensive lung machine is paid for by the taxpayer and you are not directly exposed to the cost, you "buy" it over the cheap model. This drives prices up in a socialised system. To combat this effect, the government restricts what lung machines are available.
Charities, on the other hand, are much more discerning about how they distribute their resources.
Why is the doctor a total asshole who will demand life servitude for saving someones life?
Because with no regulations he can.
Except that before the government got involved, they didn't.
Before the government stepped in with it's regulation and licences and general market distortions, doctors did pro-bono work all the time. Now it's too much of a liability.
Yeah. With no regulations and licences and "general market distortions", you have no idea if he is actually educated as a doctor. He may have been a homeless who just mugged a doctor for his bag and coat, and got lucky because he happened to be around the office doing pro-bono work as a gynecologist.
What has this got to do with regulating markets? This can happen under the state system just as easily.
Also, there would be certification institutions for medical practitioners, if the market demanded it. Also, this would be considered fraud and the "doctor" would be liable for damages.