You can't be serious. I swear 50% of the people involved with bitcoins are completely delusional. Who is investing in ATM's and POS systems? Do you know how expensive those are to implement? The totality of bitcoins are worth under a hundred million USD right now. In 2005, Visa and Mastercard alone did 100 million USD of volume for customers in around 23.87 minutes.
Who the hell is investing in ATM's and POS systems for bitcoin. Come on, you guys are smarter than this.
You're right on this one. Ultra-libertarians and Ron Paul supporters/homeless people who know little of how financial markets work could actually tarnish bitcoins reputation with these claims.
'We' aren't anywhere near the level of Bitcoin ATMs. Point of sales devices, definitely, like klemen091 mentioned above.
This currency (or commodity) is only 2 years old. Talking about bitcoin withdrawals from public places is like mentioning a Pluto expedition for space travel, it's not going to happen for a very long time under current circumstances.
I like Bitbills as the most convenient tool to date. Not too expensive to produce, relatively easy to redeem.