When there are no extreme terrorist organizations like isis, there will be no reason to hate Muslims. Damn the terror.
There are hundreds of extremist Muslim organizations, but ISIS gets all the publicity today. These organizations go back to the 1970s with their atrocities-designed-to-get-world-media-attention.
It is no different today, and if it wasn't ISIS, it would be another. Islam continually seems to generate these groups. It would seem where ever there is Islam, there are some of them.
You can find similar instances among Catholic paramilitary groups backed by the US, or among Indonesian paramilitary groups backed by the US, but actually they are quite a bit worse than ISIS, because ISIS does follow a consistent code of law, whether you agree with it or not, most of the time, while US backed paramilitary groups kill and rape at will.
For example, ISIS fighters may rape, but they are required to take steps to establish paternity and take responsibility for any children born of the union, and only one man may have relations with one woman at a time, whereas with US backed groups, and the US military itself, many instances of gang rape have been documented.
I don't want to get into statistics again, but it is far from clearcut who, as a percentage, has engaged in more mass killings- the US and groups that they have supported as part of the imperial and business agenda, or ISIS. Of course it is the US in terms of sheer numbers, but the questions would be proportional to the size of the groups. In any case, it certainly cannot be said that the US has any moral superiority over ISIS... although that's probably not saying much.
If we count the first and second world wars, the colonial legacy, and the proxy wars of the cold war, the Christian/secular NATO and Warsaw pact powers are easily responsible for far more atrocities than all Muslim groups combined, by a huge margin.
The heavy coverage of Islamic groups simply serves a shallow narrative of superiority and is a component in justifying the ongoing imperial wars, just as the now archaic concepts of Western Europe representing a higher degree of civilization than "barbaric" or "savage" races once was.