Well on a very practical level most non Muslims simply have poor hygiene, due to not cleaning up well after going to toilet, not doing spiritual purification, sexual promiscuity... Muslims may have these issues also but not practicing Muslims who have sincere belief. Another reason Muslims prefer the company of other Muslims usually
Thank you for revealing your broad ignorance and ridiculous prejudices.
Umm well really everyone is ignorant on certain experiences, I do have quite a bit of background since I spent most of my life as a non Muslim, then traveled to about a dozen or so countries with large native populations of Muslims, then studied Islam for about 7 years before adopting it myself... and now I have been practicong myself for 6 years. But again you say insulting and inflammatory things without actually examining the facts.
Frankly you sound to me as very naive, egotistical and agenda driven. Which is fine, except it isn't a way to increase understanding of matters.
You are right actually, it is unfair to say non-Muslims, as Hindus also use water to clean after going to the toilet along with people of many other religions, just where I have lived most of my life in America and Europe it is common for non Muslims to only clean with toilet paper and walk around all day like this... I used to do this myself so I know how uncomfortable this is, occasionally I get stuck without water so I know how it feels. Honestly I don't know how y'all live like this...
Also practicing Muslims will brush their teeth with a siwak, a tree root which is naturally anti bacterial, after every meal, whereas it is common for non-Muslims or less practicing Muslims to walk around all day with their teeth covered with food scum, or to brush the teeth with plastic covered with weird fluoridated concoctions mixed with artificial sweeteners that are probably carcinogenic. Non-Muslims also often go through the whole day without flushing their sinuses with water, and often let dogs lick them, dogs that like to roll in and eat long dead animals and feces... just, little things like these just could make some Muslims hesitant to be very close to non-Muslims.
There are other deeper spiritual reasons but it is less likely that they would be well understood, but I'd be happy to get into what little I know of that if anyone is interested.
Another practical reason is the sexual promiscuity, this can easily lead to higher and higher thresholds for sexual pleasure as people become more and more desensitized to sexual stimulation by excessive exposure, which actually leads to people needing to be literally "dirtier" so to speak in order to get off... it goes on and on.