People don't actually hate Islam but the people who are practicing it and killing innocents souls in the name of pleasing their religion. I tell you if people practicing other religions go that route then we begin to hate the religion so that tells you that it is not about the religion itself but about the people practicing it and that's just what matters. Not all Muslims can kill and not all Christians are saints.
very well said, even Christians and other people with different religion and beliefs can do the same thing they can also kill innocents, I know most people are just hating some Muslims because of some of their practices. you just hated the religion because of what you often see and heard and you are not depending on your own opinion.
There are good Muslims and Christians there are also bad muslims and bad Christians.
Yes Not all Muslims good and not all christians good, also not all muslims bad and not all christians bad.
Bad people come from everywhere and anyone. Also good people come from everywhere and anyone.