1.I have the right to not take care of other country opinion ? I have the right to not consider what my government do legitimate (often a debate here) but i can't have an opinion on foreign government ? Every government in UN defend it's own interest...
2.Sorry, i believed you are the kind of people thinking "Foreign interference is always immoral". I'm find with both (interference can be acceptable or is never acceptable) but not double-thinking. So you support foreign interference ? (I just want to know your axiomatics) I hope you support kurdish Independence too, cause every minority matter right ?
3.I want peace too, but i don't think the fair treaty is a treaty against Israel. Israel is building a wall, so they won't go farther.
1. Sure, you have a right to your opinion, just as they have the right to theirs; but to dismiss them without even knowing why they have their position is not a logical stance, and neither is the "might makes right" approach, at least if we want any plans of a peaceful life in the region anytime in the future. Further, as I said before, the proceedings are mostly public and you have access to voting and often reasoning behind votes, so you can easily delve into it if you're interested.
2. If there is a broad understanding that foreign diplomacy/action/intervention will in fact improve the situation and lead to a deescalation of conflict, like in this situation, I see no reason for it not to happen. And yes, every minority counts, be it the Kurds, the Catalans, the Palestinians, or whomever else.
3. But the building of the wall is a conscious choice of annexing land over peace, not a step towards peace.
Further, the wall isn't even complete, so there is no telling how much more land will be taken from Palestinians. And all that assuming Israel won't continue building settlements outside the wall, for which there is no assurance, unfortunately; Israel's constant announcement of further settlements does nothing to help here. Another point that this ignores is the direct effects the wall is already having on Palestinians; at some points the wall cuts them off the farmland they've depended on so far for survival, at others from access to water sources, all of those now conveniently on the Israeli side of the wall.
You don't want a treaty that is unfair for Israel, but is this fair to the Palestinians?
Also, it should be stated that the wall is illegal under international law, especially considering Israel is the occupying power.