suffered from this addiction really need physical and psychological help the more you understand what's the cause of your gambling activities the more
we realize to quit and stay away,.
They must also help themselves because that is the first thing they must do if they really want to leave gambling alone and decided to start a new life. Gambling addiction is a real tough problem, especially if a certain person do have family and all the money that he is earning is the one he uses on betting on gambling, then, the financial problem will come since I bet that all of the money would be lost in gambling most of the time.
that person must make family is the main reason for him to leave gambling and he must thinking that he can not live without his family. i think if he can do it for his family then it is not too difficult and i am sure he can leave gambling forever. this will be good if his family know about his problem and his family gives help to that person so he will think that his family is still supporting him.