You can easily pay more (up to $0.50 USD, omg so much) if you want your transaction put at the front of the line. If not, wait 15, 20, or 30 minutes. Who is in such a hurry and too poor to pay an extra 0.002100 BTC? No one.
Well now, that's extremely ignorant and a "first world" way of thinking. For many people in other countries of the world, especially where Bitcoin has gained a respectable foothold, $0.50 USD represents quite a significant amount of money, possibly even a full day's pay. There's no possible way you can expect someone to pay that much just to get a transaction to be accepted in the queue.
In order to gain adoption and grow to where most people think Bitcoin should be, it needs to adapt to be able to provide reasonable transaction times for the majority of transactions, for a reasonable fee. That reasonable fee is not $0.50 for the majority of people, and thus won't work too well. You are effectively telling all those folks that you don't give a shit about them, and you're pretty much advocating the same type of situation you're railing against with your arguments against XT. Just because you think it's a trivial matter and can afford it, everyone else should just "suck it up" because that's the best way to do it.
BTW - in all your supposed "research", did you happen to come across the fact that the original blocksize limit was supposed to be 33MB? Satoshi himself realized that 1MB was not sustainable for long term growth.
Indeed, the 1MB block size limit was only put in place as a temporary measure. To quote Satoshi Nakamoto:
"The eventual solution will be to not care how big it gets. But for now, while it’s still small, it’s nice to keep it small so new users can get going faster. When I eventually implement client-only mode, that won’t matter much anymore."
"The current system where every user is a network node is not the intended configuration for large scale. That would be like every Usenet user runs their own NNTP server. The design supports letting users just be users."
This has all been presented in the article by Mike Hearn which everyone should read, since it presents the arguments concisely of why we should fork. A must read for anyone wanting to research this subject and be well informed: