You have to redefine what religion is because what you have does not make sense. Flying horses, virgin conceptions, resurrection, spirits, 6000 year old Earth, creating woman from a rib bone, or man from dirt, talking snakes, etc., etc. All utter nonsense.
Keep re-writing it, eventually you'll get to the truth. Life is not unique in this or other universes, humans might not be the surviving lifeform in few thousands/millions of years. Humans are not special animals, we are like all other monkeys, we are just smarter and can talk.
I define religion as anything an individual structures their life around either consciously or unconsciously.
I talked about this more here: have seen arguments like your before af_newbie. They are often followed by statements like
Life is without objective meaning, purpose, or intrinsic value. There is no inherent morality, accepted moral values are abstractly contrived. The universe and everything in it is entirely random. Ultimately there is no real point to life.
Many religious texts make a lot more sense then you are giving them credit for
I am familiar with this "religion" this this type of faith if you will. I find it unpersuasive to say the least.
. I have found Jordan Peterson's lecture series on that topic to be particularily insightful as he goes through one of them line by line.
Biblical Series I: Introduction to the Idea of Godhttps://www.y
Many religious texts make a lot more sense then you are giving them credit for ..
The biggest sense in the bible is what? Thou shall not kill ..Now is this because Moses said right everyone lets not kill and everyone said really good idea that Moses lets not kill each other? OR was it by chance someone got killed like a family member and the pain made them feel so bad that others seen the effects plus they could of been the family member who as been killed and they also feel the pain?..
MOSES or the PAIN?..
So now we get back to religious text making sense ..
I will give you my Religious text from the one true creator our god the EARTH..
Do not put your hand in the fire..
Don't stick pins in your eyes..
Always bend at the knees when lifting heavy objects up ..
Never stick your head in a blender ..
The word COMMON SENSE means it's happened so many times it becomes common SO SENSE KICKS IN..
So now you all know the 1 biggest thing that makes sense in the bible is THOU SHALL NOT KILL ..And you all needed scholars to tell you this?..
Then you got parts of the bible that just tricks your brains to keep you busy so you have deep thought over basically NOTHING ..
Example below ..
In the far winds of the west shall there be four eyes one with deeds of sin to cast thee into shadows ..
Now i just made that BULLSHIT UP to get you to now start to think what the saying means WHEN really it's just bullshit to sell you my book..
But some SO CALLED SMART ASS looks to deep into shit BULLSHIT.. Then he thinks of BULLSHIT then tells the world bullshit..
When really SHOW US THE PROOF then even i will believe ..