An obvious shill attempt. You might want to proof read your 11 page "book" sometime. Just a single sentence from the preview:
"So, this g guide, its inteent to give aall traders neew and old ssome insight and tools inn order to maake the best decisions poossible in ordder to minimmize your riskk in the tradees you makee".
So in order to reach a massive 11 pages, did you have to insert two pages worth of typos? And why did you choose a picture of a 20+ year old mac for the cover? was a file type issue from kindle conversion process, and its fixed. Its the same guide that was posted in this forum with over 31k views, its quite well known, your attitude however is not needed, but thanks for pointing out the issue, and now that its fixed if you would kindly delete that review I would appreciate it, considering its false.
Thanks again