SegWit ( was introduced 4 years ago and a main improvement of SegWit are lower transaction fees for transactions sent from SegWit addresses.
For Bitcoin addresses, different address formats exist. It is partly visible by having a look at their prefix:
Prefix | Category | Format |
________ | __________________________ | _______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________ |
1… | Legacy-Address | P2PKH (pay to public key hash) |
3… | Multisignature-Address | P2SH (pay to script hash) |
________ | __________________________ | _______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________ |
3… | nested SegWit-Address | P2WPKH-P2SH (pay to witness public key hash - pay to script hash) / P2WSH-P2SH (pay to witness script hash - pay to script hash) |
________ | __________________________ | _______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________ |
bc1q… | native SegWit-Address (bech32) | P2WPKH-bech32 (pay to witness public key hash) / P2WSH-bech32 (pay to witness script hash) |
bc1p… | Taproot-Address | P2TR-bech32m (pay to tap root) |
1… Addresses, starting with 1 are standard Bitcoin-Addresses and are
never SegWit.
3… Addresses, starting with 3
can be SegWit, but can also be Multisignature-Addresses. We can only see if it’s SegWit after we have sent Bitcoins from the address by analyzing the outgoing transaction details.
bc1… Addresses starting with bc1q (native SegWit) and bc1p (Taproot)… Addresses are
always SegWit.
A simplified explanation how to identify SegWit-Addresses can be found here:
BTC addresses starting with "3" what are they ? simplified explanation.
Native SegWit or nested SegWit? After reading the lines above and finding out about the benefits of using SegWit addresses, you may be wondering what the differences are between a native SegWit address (bech32, starts with bc1q...) / Taproot Address (bech32m, starts with bc1p) compared to a nested SegWit address (P2WPKH-P2SH / P2WSH-P2SH, starts with 3....).
For us, it is important to know that using a native SegWit Address / Taproot-Address will result in even lower fees compared to a nested SegWit address.
Savings when sending from a nested SegWit address (3...) compared to a normal legacy address (1...) are 26% +.
Savings when sending from a native SegWit address (bc1q...) compared to a normal legacy address (1...) are 38% +.
Depending on the number of inputs to the address, savings are variable, with a higher number of inputs saving even more in percentages.
Added in November 2022: now, Taproot-Adresses (bc1p...), are also available. In terms of saving fees, Taproot-Addresses are similarly effective as native SegWit Addresses (bc1q…). Savings compared to a normal legacy address (1...) are 38% +.
A detailed calculation can be found
here, provided by Charles-Tim.
It's because of native SegWit and Taproot are technically very similar, as native SegWit and Taproot are part of the Witness Programm (bech32 / bech32m).
What are the additional advantages of using a SegWit address? In addition to lower transaction fees for your transactions, you’ll also help the Bitcoin network by using SegWit addresses, since more transactions will fit into one block. As a result, Bitcoin can process more transactions per second, which benefits all participants.
Any disadvantages? If you have used Bitcoins on some centralized services and now want to send them to your own bech32 SegWit address, it’s possible, that the centralized service won’t recognize your bech32 address and will reject it as invalid. This is because some websites are slow in performing updates and such sites don’t accept this new bech32 address format. However, this only applies to bech32 addresses, but not nested SegWit, which is compatible everywhere and more services will fully support bech32 sooner or later. Just as an information, if you're wondering why you can't send
BTC to a bech32 address from some centralized services when it’s getting rejected.
Here's a list where you can see if different address formats are supported:
Interesting stats about SegWitAs with many things around Bitcoin, there are valuable statistics and graphs about SegWit, for example
Among other categories, you can find the share of Bitcoin transactions using SegWit: around 86%.
And an overview about the percentages of nested SegWit and native SegWit: the total numbers of native SegWit (bech32, purple and dark blue) are relatively low in comparison to nested SegWit (light blue and orange).
ConclusionChoosing a bech32 SegWit address will be the best decision in the long run and has various advantages for you and the Bitcoin network in general.
Please note: reserving new translations is not available currently.