I believe you are a liar.
Thats your good right, to believe what you like.
In my estimation, I am at least not lying much more than the average.
But its hard to quantify, I cannot proof anything.
Prove it by revealing your identity. My identity is known to everyone. I have revealed my full name, where I live, my history, my LinkedIn account, my public non-anonymous writings published over the internet, etc..
Why that?
Because you will pass me an ass-kick in the supermarket? No, thanks, I dont like.
Or because you will go to tell everywhere, that I am a liar and not proving it too not? I dont like too not.
Its the what you seem to be intentioned to do with your menaceing attitude.
Its not an obligation, to post here revealing public any personal data.
Do you know, what a stalker is?
Its because of the stalkers, what have nothing to do than to run the whole day after the people to pester their existance. Its an illness.
And thats a reason, why it is better to keep the identity in the unknown. Other good reasons exist too. Ever heard something about an agency named NSA? And an individual named Edward Snowden? Ever thought about all the others, what make the same? Do you like to get radiated by Google in every wrinkle of the asshole? Thats why some mean its clevermore, not to walk around with the trousers down.
Why do you mean you have to command around at all and to bark at me as an imperator?
Do you confuse yourself with Hulk, the Shrek of the little girls, or what?
As for my name, I confess, its a ly. But its a poetical ly as all the poets do always forcely. Are you accusing Shakespeare too of being a liar, because the story of Hamlet isnt true? Its another poetical ly.
No poetry without poetical ly. Not even a novel without poetical ly. Its an artist-name, not a ly. I could explain it to you in every detail, inspite of the artist-rule, of never explaining the own artworks.
But I cannot. Because I can upload my avatar only getting a full member. And I need the avatar to explain the name, there is a figurative explication. Its a riddle, if you can crack it, you are a real crack. But I warn you: Its difficult more than the riddle of Rumpelstiltskin of Grimms, and the cryptographic competiency is useless. Its difficult as much, that I suppose, it is impossible to guess. But thats what Rumpelstiltskin said too. And I will not get furious as Rumpelstiltskin and stamp with the foot as much that the earth is getting divided, if you find out. I will give you the first and only hint: the artist-name is an artwork, the avatar is an artwork, but the explication is not. Its the blank, sober, bonedry, boring truth. Then, you will be forced to admit, that I am not a liar. At least not always.
Now the REKTing will ensue.
I dont understand, that.
What do you mean?
And why do you write some letters capitalized?
And should i relate this statement somehow to me?
I was sleeping.
Good morning, how are you?
I see you are awake some time.
Excellent mood, as usual?
Dont bark at me, then I will not make a cabaret. I certainly will not produce with you virtually, what is getting called in the real life the yelling-around. If you bark, you make me scream of laughter.
Like that, thats as with the dog of Pawlow. Its a reaction, what is stronger than me. At least, the sarcasm, what then follows forcely too, is actually acid quasi-zero. I hope, you understand some humour, its not funny else, I know, sorry for that. At the beginning, I wasnt offending you, I only was stateing, that you are off-topic. And I was saying it polite..
Well I see, you are active. Looks out important, but looks out off-topic again. I will not repeat my opinion about, you know it. And not even if I would, I could talk with you about this materia reasonable. I miss some concepts, of what you will talk. I wish you anyway a constructive and fruitful day and hope you find the people, what can talk with you in a way, what ends not in the yelling around.
Well its late..
.. its me, what is going now to bed.
Good night.
One last question: Your artist name of
TPTB_need_war has an aggressive denotation, is it program, the aggressive comportment? But be aware, saying yes, I will push the ignore button, we will thereafter never nomore be able to exchange our jokes.