In America, television is king. People come home from work or school and sit down and watch TV. They watch while they eat dinner. They watch when they go to bed, and they fall asleep listening to TV. Some people even watch TV at work.
Now, tell me. How much of TV is the truth? The weatherman lies all the time about the weather. All the movies, and many of the documentaries are simply acting - no or little truth. People narrating documentaries often lie about what is being shown. The evening or morning news is packed full of lies. In fact, only a tiny bit of truth is ever found on TV.
Television is the American past time. There isn't much of anything else to do in the big cities where millions of Americans live. So, Americans watch TV, and learn to love lies.
Since Americans love lies from watching TV, who are they going to vote for? Aren't they going to vote for the person who does the thing that they love the most? Aren't they going to vote for the person who tells the biggest and most lies?
Do you want to win in politics? Forget solving hunger in America. Forget fighting for the cure for cancer. Forget curing the financial woes of America. Forget about the Middle East. What should you do to win? Lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie. And then lie some more. The American people will love you, and if you don't win, you will come close.
Well Ok it seems rather logical.
I didn't know TV had so much power in USA.
In France during election candidates have exactly the same time on TV or radio. It's forbiden by the law to see one candidate having less TV time than the others exactly to avoid having one candidate seens everywhere while the others are ignored!
The point isn't how much TV time the candidates have. The point is how much TV time the people have between elections.
The point is this. TV is more than 99% lies. People watch TV. People love TV. People love lies.
Then, when election time comes, people still love lies. All candidates lie. That's why people listen to and watch the candidates. People love lies. People love the candidate that lies the most.