Personally, I don't think old people are supposed to be be allowed to engage in activities that nerve-wracking and that's why I wouldn't be engaging myself in gambling or any other activity that'll make me feel nervous whenever I pass the age of 50 years. Gambling is a fun engagement to some people but a very nervous one for me and the feelings I get whenever I gamble isn't something that should be happening to me at old age.
And because of that fun, many people forget to stop gambling. If we are 50 years old or more, health problems are something we have to pay attention to because our stamina has decreased a lot. And if we still gamble frequently at that age, we could experience health problems more often because gambling will bring us many surprises. If we are unable to see it, it will have an impact on our health and we could have a heart attack while we are gambling. It will cause problems for us and also for our family.
Of course, in my opinion, old age is not the right time to spend the remaining money we have on gambling, it is better to use this money as best as possible to ourselves in old age because who knows, one day we will need something so there is no need to ask money children who might make them a burden.
if we gamble, of course our children will not be happy, just imagine if currently your parents were heavy gamblers in their youth, even in their old age, your parents are still active gamblers. You definitely don't like seeing the attitude of your parents who carry out these activities, this can become a benchmark for ourselves so that we are better off avoiding gambling in old age so that our children do not think badly of our attitudes, providing education to children about gambling is important so that our children do not get too deep into the world of gambling that detriment of them.
In old age, we should use this life more to enjoy our old age rather than using it for things that are still related to the world because we have gone through it and maybe we have also got it. We also definitely don't want our children and grandchildren to see us still gambling frequently and they will ask us to stop gambling. If that's the case, we have to know which is more important in our lives, while gambling is just an entertainment for us that we often use when we are still young. By stopping gambling, we can also spend more time with our family, which will give us more peace of mind because we can also improve family relationships to become closer.