I started preview Win 10 long before I had an interest in Bitcoin, so I've had nothing but windows 10 since I joined here, i'm that new.. works great.. that said.. as I understand all the worries and so forth.. yes.. windows 10, has apps which stay in constant communications.. regardless if you turn them off.. however that said.. it isn't key strokes, logging, search patterns, information about the user.. it is.. as I follow , handshaking security between OS for OS.. for you, you, are protecting you... this is my pc, it says it is, it continues all it's handshaking life to continue to say it is.. keep other peoples software under control, cause Microsoft has this.. the rest.. I haven't a clue.. however.. look it up.. read about it.. it's been part of Windows 10 apps and written up in normal communications.. it's snot smoke and mirrors like many seem to fill their conspiracy minds with.. other wise, disregard.. have fun, i'm new.. or you could always go back to Win 7, better yet, convert to any Linux.. go Chrome.. nothings really stopping your choice in OS's
So, you do not want to turn them off for your and that Apps safety and use.. you can, turn off any personal, searching results, advertising.. all that, can and does get turned off.. no problem..
On another note.. how many have their phones or pc's setup for GPS / Location for their Music channel.. anyway.. security is an important matter.. steps made by apps to insure your safe use.. are part of the business norm...
exactly and we are believing a single person
I could also post some bullshit about linux etc will these people believe that too? Omg what has this world come too.