Hi @th00ber, thank you for the great software.
Just one question... I have 3 rigs and one of them doesn't display GPU information(temperature/clock etc)
screenshot as below.
Can you help me on this issue? would be very thankful.
OpenHardwareMonitorig is running ?
It can be because of a problem with the WMI database in your Windows
1- STEP 1 - Test the powershell scripting capability
http://www.monitorig.com/download/powershell_debug.zip(remove debug_hardwareInfos.info file)
run the bat and check if you got some error/warning (you should not having errors)
If no errors, check the file content (debug_hardwareInfos.info) ... If it's empty, go to step 2
2- STEP 2 - WMI Database integrity
While OperHardwareMonitor is running, it send it's sensors value to the WMI database.
Can you check the sensors values from the WMI databases with
https://wmie.codeplex.com/ check the value of the HardwareMonitor sensors
(screenshot :
If it's blank, it's probably a problem with rights or WMI database
https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa394525(v=vs.85).aspxin CMD as admin, run the command :
winmgmt /salvagerepository(if still not ok, test :
winmgmt /resetrepository)
If still got problems, go to step 3
3- STEP 3 - Pray the Mining Lord
STEP 1 & 2 did not correct the problem ... Go for a fresh install win 10/Win 7 ?