Women Empowerment refers to increasing and improving the social, economic, political and legal strength of the women, to ensure equal-right to women, and to make them confident enough to claim their rights.
Such as,
1. Freely live their life with a sense of self-worth, respect and dignity.
2. To make their own choices and decisions.
3. Have equal rights to participate in social, religious and public activities.
4. Have equal social status in the society.
5. Have equal rights for social and economic justice.
6. Get equal opportunity for education.
7. Get equal employment opportunity without any gender bias.
8. Get safe and comfortable working environment.
And which of these do women not have in the western world?
Which ones?
Women empowerment is bullshit
Women and men are equal
Wage gap doesn't exist
Identity politics wants to divide us
This is something that boggles my mind.Women have never ever in history had more opportunities,nor we have ever lived in more open society.
Yet,it seems by all the clamor we hear,that women are forcefully tied to kitchen 24/7 and serve as slaves.
Looking at ruthless human's past,living in today's society is like winning a lottery.I think we should all appreciate it more.