I actually think there are a fairly small number of threads in meta disputing bans (due to plagiarism), especially when compared to when BadBear was banning people for 'low effort posts + paid signature' wholesale. I also have noticed that many of these threads are asking why they have been banned, and often someone will post evidence they were copy/past spamming, and I also note that I understand the ban message is something along the lines of "sorry hilariousetc you have been banned by a forum moderator" when they are permmabanned, and does not have a specific reason, so it is possibly these people don't know they were caught plagiarizing.
Probably 99% of people who are banned for copy and pasting won't create a thread in Meta about it. They'll either know what they were banned for and the rest just do it as a last ditch effort to try rescue their account from certain death (or they are genuinely oblivious to why they were banned (apparently a lot of people think copy and pasting is ok)).
I think a lot more people will probably just email the address provided and hope for the best, but I'm not even sure if it's being monitored at all (they're certainly aren't getting responded to) so they just languish in uncertainty. The message should probably be removed or edited, or someone should be assigned to monitor and reply to applicable mails. At the very least you could probably attach a message giving the most common reasons for bans so people can work it out. If nobody is ever going to monitor that email then it should just be removed completely.
I do not dispute that 50+ accounts are banned for this every day, however this is accounts and not necessarily people.
True, but also there are almost certainly many more people
not being banned who are getting away with it. It's just the tip of the shitberg that we're seeing and sadly even those with numerous accounts getting banned will still likely be evading on the rest we missed as we are unlikely to get them all every time.
We certainly do not see 50+ threads of people questioning why they are banned, substantially lower than that.
Again, most will probably just follow the apparent 'procedure' and use the email provided. Meta will be a last ditch effort for them.
I have also noticed that many people caught copy/past spamming are low rank accounts, which means people are not earning very much from these copy/paste spamming. Many accounts have been caught copy/paste spamming as newbies, which previously could earn very little from paid signatures.
They earn little as a single unit, but when you've got hundreds of accounts claiming them the money soon starts to rack up. There have been some cases where farmers have had tens of thousands of dollars worth of tokens sent to an address, so there is a heck of a lot of money to be made from shitposting, especially in volume. When you've got ICO campaigns paying people for one liners or drivel or just copy and pasting this becomes very lucrative and also very easy money. Fire up a bot over hundreds of accounts and watch the money come in. You might have a dozen or even half banned but that's just an occupational hazard to a farmer these days.
I suspect that many of the copy/paste spammers are probably people we don't really want here regardless of their copy/past spamming. I suspect they are either bump spammers, are engaging in some kind of 'black hat' SEO (either positive, or negative -- I am not sure), or are otherwise trying to create a false sense of interest in projects.
They're all people we don't want here in one way or another. If you come here just to post one liners to get paid or copy and paste then there's no reason they should be here. That's why the forum is in such a state. Probably 90% of these users who sign up here do so just because they've heard you can get paid good money here for doing very little. When you know little to nothing about bitcoin and can't speak English very well then this is just a recipe for disaster.