Did you sort out issues with SilverFish miners guys reported couple of pages back ?
Thank you
On the Lee Group guide for the SF-28 in the second post it show the best to do if you have a unit not hashing up to speed
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.7285593 . It has been noticed not all blades hash the same as mentioned before. The SilverFish is a good unit with great expandability, and they have focused on a lot of features it seem for miners. The SilverFish program is it's biggest strength being able to switch pools in a matter of seconds on up to 100 miners, monitor all miners very easily, install additional unit within minutes, etc.
There has been a big adjustment on Scrypt miner prices. The A2-30 is much less susceptible to heat being a closed air unit, but it also is larger in size. But it's all enclosed with no computer needed. Depending on your conditions and what you are looking for is what I would judge which miner is better for you.
Many thanks for detailed response
I have some Ants which are open case design and they are working without issues for 7 months
That's why I was looking at Silverfish miner but than I read that they are not hashing reliably. I have my miners at my uncle which is 2500km away so unless they work 100% of time like Ants I can't afford to get them because he is unable to fix them.
Size doesn't mutter to me, I have 5x5m room available to use and so far I have only couple of Ants and habaneros there.
Which one would you get ?
(there are just couple reviews on BtcTalk)
so you want to run the unit in house. so to speak.
I have gridseed blades 8 of them hash at 40mh pull around 700 watts.
cheap you can get a 4 pack for 1700 so 16 = 6800 usd for 80=82mh
16 need about 1400-1500 watts of power they also need to be maintained . they are not like s-1's which are set it and forget and will start back up after a power failure.
the top of the line unit right now is sold by lee on this thread.
the a2-86mh miner for 9199
plus side it uses 850 to 900 watts vs 1400 to 1500 watts for the gridseeds
so you save close to 12 kwatts of power a day . look at it this way 12 k-watts is 2 dollars maybe more or less.
price for the 16 gridseeds = 6800usd price for the a2-86m = 9200 power saved 60 dollars a month that means 40 months to make up for the power.
So buying the top of the line miner for 9200 is pretty dumb if you think power saved is the only thing that matters
Now there is more to figure ..
the top of the miner has 3 or 4 wires max
16 gridseed blades has about 68 wires
the gridseed blades will sell on ebay one at a time pretty easy.
the 16 gridseed blades can be point to 32 different pools since each has 2 usb connections.
the gridseed blades can use a 92 mm noctua fan and be very quiet.
You need to weigh what you want to do.
Maybe your uncles place has great power prices 6 cents or 8 cents
Can your uncle check on the gear?
The A2-86m can run remote.
The gridseed blades are a bit more simple and I don't know how to reset them remotely.
It is a tough call if the a2-86m was about 7599 it would be go get it.
but at 9200 it does not compete well against a guy like me that has the much lower cost gridseed blades.
remember on one level both you and I are looking for the same coins.
So if you get the 9200 dollar piece and I get the 6800 dollar piece and can do the work needed to run them I am better then you.
Look at it business wise. I am retired = time on my hands. I have worked with computers for about 40 years.
I go back to the big old ibm mainframes.
I can do 16 of these gridseed blades. so that is about 6800 usd and about 82mh
so I am 2400 ahead of you . take away 2 psu's for 350 some extra hubs.
I am 2000 usd ahead of you with about the same hash. my power is 2 dollars a day difference.
Since my labor is 'free' It take 1000 days for you to catch up to me.
This is why right now I buy gridseed blades. Not the A2-86m